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Section 442.211 - Conduct of Certain Sales; Definitions. - Sec. 1. As used in this act: (a) “Going out...
Section 442.212 - Conduct of Certain Sales; License Required; Application of Act. - Sec. 2. No person shall advertise, represent or hold out...
Section 442.213 - Licenses; Application, Contents. - Sec. 3. Any applicant for a license under this act...
Section 442.214 - Licenses; Issuance, Restrictions. - Sec. 4. (1) The clerk, upon receipt of an application...
Section 442.215 - Conduct of Certain Sales; Conditions. - Sec. 5. No person shall advertise or otherwise to represent,...
Section 442.216 - Licenses; Terms, Renewal, Fee. - Sec. 6. (1) A license to conduct a sale issued...
Section 442.217 - Licenses; Application, Inventory, Posting; Advertisement, Announcement; Contents. - Sec. 7. A copy of the application for a license...
Section 442.218 - Licenses; Application, Clerk's Records. - Sec. 8. Every city, village or township clerk to whom...
Section 442.219 - Licenses; False Statement, Penalty. - Sec. 9. Any person making a false statement in the...
Section 442.220 - Licenses; Scope; Goods, Removal; Effect. - Sec. 10. The license as provided for in section 2...
Section 442.221 - Conduct of Sales; Purchase of Goods Prior to Sale Prohibited; Evidence. - Sec. 11. No person in contemplation of conducting an insurance,...
Section 442.222 - Conduct of Sales; Addition of Goods During Sale, False Description or Inventory Prohibited. - Sec. 12. No person carrying on or conducting an insurance,...
Section 442.223 - Advertisement Before Compliance With Act, Penalty. - Sec. 13. Any person who advertises, represents or holds out...
Section 442.224 - Violation of Act; Misdemeanor, Penalty. - Sec. 14. Any person who holds, conducts, or carries on...
Section 442.225 - Persons Exempt From Act. - Sec. 15. The provisions of this act shall not apply...
Section 442.226 - Repeal. - Sec. 16. Act No. 319 of the Public Acts of...