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Section 397.551 - Short Title. - Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be...
Section 397.552 - Definitions. - Sec. 2. As used in this act: (a) "Department" means...
Section 397.553 - Cooperative Boards; Establishment; Number. - Sec. 3. Cooperative boards representing local public libraries shall be...
Section 397.554 - Preliminary Cooperative Plan for Library Services; Contents; Development. - Sec. 4. A preliminary cooperative plan for library services which...
Section 397.555 - Eligibility for Membership in Cooperative Library. - Sec. 5. To be eligible for membership in a cooperative...
Section 397.556 - Areas Included in Cooperative Library. - Sec. 6. (1) A cooperative library includes those areas consisting...
Section 397.557 - Cooperative Library Board as Representative of Participating Libraries; Selection of Members; Existing Systems. - Sec. 7. A cooperative library board shall be representative of...
Section 397.558 - Cooperative Library Board as Body Corporate; Powers and Duties; Installment Purchase Contract, Land Contract, Loan Agreement, or Lease Purchase Contract. - Sec. 8. (1) The cooperative board is a body corporate...
Section 397.559 - Submission and Contents of Plan; Approval of Plan; Jurisdiction. - Sec. 9. Following establishment of a cooperative board, the cooperative...
Section 397.560 - Fiscal Year and Funds of Cooperative Library. - Sec. 10. The fiscal year of the cooperative library is...
Section 397.561 - Use of Facilities and Resources of Member Libraries; Availability of Services of Cooperative Library; Appeal From Refusal of Service. - Sec. 11. Following establishment of a cooperative board, residents of...
Section 397.561a - Nonresident Borrowing Fees. - Sec. 11a. A library may charge nonresident borrowing fees to...
Section 397.562 - Resolution Requesting Local Board to Become Participating Library; Rights, Duties, and Privileges of Participating Library. - Sec. 12. Once a cooperative plan has been accepted by...
Section 397.563 - State Aid for Cooperative Libraries. - Sec. 13. A cooperative library shall be granted continuing state...
Section 397.564 - Cooperative Board to Provide Services to Member Libraries Within Area of Cooperative Library. - Sec. 14. A cooperative board shall provide, directly or through...
Section 397.565 - Payment for Services by Member Libraries; Cooperative Library Headquarters. - Sec. 15. When the state aid grant is insufficient to...
Section 397.566 - State Aid for Public Libraries; Reimbursing Public Libraries for Salary of Head Librarian; Employee Wage Increases; Certifying Salary of Head Librarian. - Sec. 16. (1) A public library shall receive 35 cents...
Section 397.567 - Compliance With Certification Requirements as Qualification for State Aid. - Sec. 17. A cooperative library and public library shall conform...
Section 397.568 - Application for State Aid; Certification. - Sec. 18. A cooperative library and public library desiring to...
Section 397.569 - Distribution of State Aid; Statement; Vouchers; Warrants. - Sec. 19. The department shall prepare a statement of the...
Section 397.570 - Deposit of Money in Separate Fund; Review of Expenditures. - Sec. 20. A cooperative library or public library receiving state...
Section 397.571 - Expenditure of State Aid. - Sec. 21. State aid paid to a cooperative library or...
Section 397.572 - Dispute; Hearing; Decision. - Sec. 22. When there is a dispute concerning the cooperative...
Section 397.573 - Needs Considered by State Board in Carrying Out Powers and Duties. - Sec. 23. The department shall consider the following needs in...
Section 397.574 - Repealed. 1982, Act 541, Eff. Mar. 30, 1983. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section conferred authority on state board...
Section 397.575 - Appropriation. - Sec. 25. (1) There is appropriated for public libraries from...
Section 397.576 - Repeal of MCL 397.501 to 397.527. - Sec. 26. Act No. 286 of the Public Acts of...