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Section 390.751 - Kalamazoo College; Board of Trustees, Officers. - Sec. 1. That from and after the passage of this...
Section 390.752 - Business and Object of Corporation; College Independent and Autonomous. - Sec. 2. The particular business and object of this corporation...
Section 390.753 - Board of Trustees; Membership; Quorum; Classes of Trustees; Terms; Annual Ballot; Honorary Trustees. - Sec. 3. (1) The board of trustees may, by a...
Section 390.754 - President; Appointment, Election, or Removal. - Sec. 4. The board of trustees shall have the power...
Section 390.755 - Treasurer, Agents, Bonds. - Sec. 5. The treasurer and all other agents, when required...
Section 390.756 - Kalamazoo College Open to All Religious Persuasions and Identities. - Sec. 6. Kalamazoo college shall be open to persons of...
Section 390.757 - Fiscal Affairs; Restricted Donations; Conveyances. - Sec. 7. The college and the trustees thereof shall have...
Section 390.758 - Inspection by Legislature of College. - Sec. 8. Said college shall, at all times, be open...
Section 390.759 - Honors and Degrees; Earned Degrees. - Sec. 9. The board of trustees shall have the power...
Section 390.760 - Board of Trustees; Power and Authority. - Sec. 10. The trustees shall have the power and authority...
Section 390.761 - Expulsion; Suspension. - Sec. 11. A person may be expelled or suspended from...