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Section 390.371 - Michigan College of Mining and Technology; Residence Halls, Housing Units, and Social Centers, Erection and Operation; Authority of Board of Control. - Sec. 1. The board of control of the Michigan College...
Section 390.372 - Michigan College of Mining and Technology; Title of Real Estate, Held by Board of Control. - Sec. 2. The title of all real estate and improvements...
Section 390.373 - Michigan College of Mining and Technology; Board of Control, Borrowing Power, Issuance of Obligations. - Sec. 3. In carrying out the above power, said board...
Section 390.374 - Michigan College of Mining and Technology; Obligations, Payment. - Sec. 4. No obligations hereunder shall ever be or become...
Section 390.375 - Michigan State College of Mining and Technology; Prohibition of State to Purchase Bonds or Obligations. - Sec. 5. Bonds or obligations issued under the provisions of...