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Section 390.701 - Albion College; Creation; Board of Trustees; Powers. - Sec. 1. There is created a body corporate known as...
Section 390.701a - Definitions. - Sec. 1a. As used in this act: (a) "Board of...
Section 390.702 - Board of Trustees; Membership; Term of Office; Limitation. - Sec. 2. (1) The board of trustees of Albion college...
Section 390.702a - Repealed. 1972, Act 137, Imd. Eff. May 18, 1972. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to additional members of...
Section 390.703 - Board of Trustees; Powers; Course of Study; Conferring of Degrees. - Sec. 3. The said trustees shall have power to make...
Section 390.704 - Repealed. 2011, Act 220, Imd. Eff. Nov. 15, 2011. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to election of president...
Section 390.705 - Powers of Corporation. - Sec. 5. The said corporation shall be capable of suing...
Section 390.705a - Board of Trustees; Custodians of Endowment Funds. - Sec. 5-a. The said board of trustees shall be the...
Section 390.706 - Act Declared Public; Non-User of Privileges; Misnomer in Instrument. - Sec. 6. This act shall be and hereby is declared...
Section 390.707 - Breach of Trustee's or Officer's Fiduciary Duty; Liability. - Sec. 7. A volunteer trustee or a nontrustee volunteer who...
Section 390.707a - Volunteer Trustee; Liability for Acts or Omissions. - Sec. 7a. During the time that the college is tax...
Section 390.707b - Volunteer Trustee or Nontrustee Volunteer; Liability of College; Conditions. - Sec. 7b. The college assumes the liability for all acts...
Section 390.707c - Volunteer Trustee or Nontrustee Volunteer; Liability for Claim for Monetary Damages. - Sec. 7c. A claim for monetary damages for an act...
Section 390.708 - Repealed. 2011, Act 220, Imd. Eff. Nov. 15, 2011. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to appointment of visitors.