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Section 390.891 - Parking, Traffic, and Pedestrian Ordinances; Violation as Misdemeanor or Civil Infraction; Enforcement; Persons Authorized to Issue and Serve Citations for Persons With Disabilities Ordinance Violations; Conformity With Uniform Traf... - Sec. 1. The governing boards of state universities and colleges...
Section 390.892 - Violation as Misdemeanor; Penalty; Enforcement; Disposition of Fines and Costs. - Sec. 2. If violation of a particular provision of the...
Section 390.892a - Violation as Civil Infraction; Civil Fines; Limitation; Conflict With Act; Misdemeanor Penalty Prohibited; Processing of Violation. - Sec. 2a. (1) The governing board of a state university...
Section 390.893 - Parking Violations Bureau; Establishment; Purpose; Operating Expense. - Sec. 3. The governing board of a state university or...