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Section 390.1371 - Definitions. - Sec. 1. As used in this act: (a) "Authority" means...
Section 390.1372 - Michigan Work-Study Program; Establishment; Administration; Purpose. - Sec. 2. A Michigan work-study program, which shall be administered...
Section 390.1373 - Eligibility of Postsecondary School to Participate in Mws Program; Academic Credit. - Sec. 3. A recognized postsecondary school in this state is...
Section 390.1374 - Eligibility of Student to Participate in Mws Program. - Sec. 4. (1) A student is eligible to participate in...
Section 390.1375 - Eligibility of Employer Organized for Nonprofit Purposes to Employ Students. - Sec. 5. An employer that is organized for nonprofit purposes...
Section 390.1376 - Eligibility of Employer Organized for Profit Purposes to Employ Students. - Sec. 6. An employer that is organized for profit purposes...
Section 390.1377 - Amount of Mws Grant; Determination; Criteria. - Sec. 7. The amount of the MWS grant to be...
Section 390.1378 - Effect of Receiving Other Student Aid. - Sec. 8. A student who receives a state competitive scholarship...
Section 390.1379 - Limitation of Mws Grant; Maximum Grant Level. - Sec. 9. A MWS grant shall not exceed the amount...
Section 390.1380 - Amount of Mws Program Funds for Fiscal Year. - Sec. 10. MWS program funds shall be made to eligible...
Section 390.1381 - Use of Mws Program Funds. - Sec. 11. MWS program funds shall be used for student...
Section 390.1382 - Rules. - Sec. 12. The authority shall promulgate rules to implement this...