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Section 390.101 - Michigan State University; Name, Purpose. - Sec. 1. The state educational institution at East Lansing shall...
Section 390.102 - Michigan State University; Government by Board of Trustees. - Sec. 2. The government of Michigan state university is vested...
Section 390.103 - Board of Trustees; Compensation, Expenses. - Sec. 3. The members of the board of trustees shall...
Section 390.104 - Board of Trustees; Meetings; Quorum; Adjournment; Conducting Business; Notice of Meeting. - Sec. 4. The board shall meet quarterly at stated times...
Section 390.105 - Board of Trustees; Organization. - Sec. 5. At its first meeting the board shall elect...
Section 390.106 - State Board of Agriculture; Successor of Prior Board; Supervisory Powers; Control of Property; Rules. - Sec. 6. The state board of agriculture created by the...
Section 390.107 - State Board of Agriculture; Power to Fix Salaries and Remove Professors and Employees. - Sec. 7. The board shall fix the salary of the...
Section 390.108 - State Board of Agriculture; Courses of Instruction; Degrees and Certificates. - Sec. 8. The board shall have power to establish and...
Section 390.109 - State Board of Agriculture; Disposition of Moneys. - Sec. 9. The board shall direct the disposition of any...
Section 390.110 - State Board of Agriculture; Experiment Station. - Sec. 10. The board shall continue to apply the funds...
Section 390.111 - State Board of Agriculture; Vesting of Certain Swamp Lands. - Sec. 11. All swamp lands in the townships of Lansing...
Section 390.112 - State Board of Agriculture; Sale of Swamp Lands, Terms, Deeds. - Sec. 12. The state board of agriculture shall have authority...
Section 390.113 - Repealed. 2000, Act 103, Imd. Eff. May 19, 2000. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to duties of president,...
Section 390.114 - Repealed. 2000, Act 104, Imd. Eff. May 19, 2000. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to duty of faculty...
Section 390.115 - Repealed. 2000, Act 105, Imd. Eff. May 19, 2000. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to duty of faculty...
Section 390.116 - Subordinate Officers Under Direction of President. - Sec. 16. The subordinate officers and employes, not members of...
Section 390.117 - State Board of Agriculture; Extension and Experimental Work, Statistical Reports. - Sec. 17. The board shall have power to carry on,...
Section 390.118 - State Board of Agriculture; Payment of Expenses of Employee Attendance at Meetings and Tours of Inspection. - Sec. 18. The board shall have power to expend the...
Section 390.119 - State Board of Agriculture; Secretary; Office; Record of Transactions; Inspection of Record; Custody of Property; Access by Public to Items in Custody of Secretary. - Sec. 19. The secretary shall have an office at Michigan...
Section 390.120 - Business Manager of Michigan State University; Appointment, Powers, and Duties. - Sec. 20. The president, subject to the direction of the...
Section 390.121 - State Board of Agriculture and Michigan State College; Secretary, Salary. - Sec. 21. The secretary shall receive as compensation for his...
Section 390.122 - Department and Division Heads; Annual Report; Publication; Availability of Report to Public. - Sec. 22. The head of each department of the university...
Section 390.123 - Students; Qualifications, Tuition. - Sec. 23. The state board of agriculture shall have power...