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Section 390.941 - State Higher Education Facilities Commission; Establishment; Appointment, Qualifications, and Terms of Members; Ex Officio Members; Removal; Vacancy; Designation of Chairperson; Conducting Business at Public Meeting; Notice; Availab... - Sec. 1. (1) The state higher education facilities commission is...
Section 390.942 - State Higher Education Facilities Commission; Plan for Participation in Federal Grant Program. - Sec. 2. The commission shall prepare a state plan for...
Section 390.943 - State Higher Education Facilities Commission; Expenditure of Appropriations. - Sec. 3. The commission may take such action as is...
Section 390.944 - State Higher Education Facilities Commission; Rules and Regulations, Hearing; Approval of Eligible Projects. - Sec. 4. The commission shall formulate such rules and regulations...
Section 390.945 - State Higher Education Facilities Commission; Applications for Approval, Priority, Determination of Federal Share of Cost. - Sec. 5. The commission, in accordance with rules and regulations...
Section 390.946 - State Higher Education Facilities Commission; Hearing, Eligibility of Project, Priority, Determination as to Federal Grant. - Sec. 6. The commission, upon request of an applicant who...
Section 390.947 - State Higher Education Facilities Commission; Gifts. - Sec. 7. The commission may receive gifts, grants, bequests, devises,...
Section 390.948 - State Higher Education Facilities Commission; Annual Report, Contents. - Sec. 8. The commission shall make an annual report to...