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Section 390.971 - State Competitive Scholarships; Establishment; Purpose. - Sec. 1. State competitive scholarships are established by the state...
Section 390.972 - State Competitive Scholarships; Administration of Program. - Sec. 2. The administration of this scholarship program shall rest...
Section 390.973 - Competitive Examinations; Qualifying Scores; Scholastic Achievement; Certificates of Recognition; Renewal of Scholarships; Rules; Exception for 2021-2022 Academic Year. - Sec. 3. (1) Subject to subsection (4), the authority shall...
Section 390.974 - Eligibility of Applicant for Award of First-Year Scholarship; Duration of Scholarship. - Sec. 4. (1) An applicant is eligible for the award...
Section 390.975 - First-Year Scholarships; Number Awarded; Renewal; Duration; Limitation on Appropriation; Award of Residual Scholarships. - Sec. 5. (1) There shall be awarded for each academic...
Section 390.975a - State Competitive Scholarships; Award of Honorary Scholarships, Publication of Names. - Sec. 5a. The authority may award honorary scholarship certificates to...
Section 390.976 - Duration and Amount of First-Year Scholarship. - Sec. 6. Each first-year scholarship is for a period of...
Section 390.977 - Choice of Institution or Course of Study; Exception; Accepting or Continuing Enrollment; Notice; Reports. - Sec. 7. (1) An applicant awarded a first-year scholarship or...
Section 390.978 - Basis for Award. - Sec. 8. State competitive scholarships shall be awarded by the...
Section 390.979 - Rules; Reports by Applicants; Certification; Payments. - Sec. 9. The authority shall promulgate rules prescribing the reports...
Section 390.980 - Higher Education Assistance Authority; Acceptance of Gifts, Annual Reports. - Sec. 10. The authority may accept gifts, grants, bequests, donations...
Section 390.981 - Allotment of Scholarships to High Schools; Eligibility of Students; Implementation of Awarding Procedure; Award of Remaining Scholarships. - Sec. 11. (1) Four scholarships shall be allotted to each...