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Section 390.801 - Gift of Ferris Institute Accepted; Continuation of Ferris Institute as Ferris State University; Operation. - Sec. 1. The legislature on behalf of the people of...
Section 390.802 - Board of Control; Creation; Appointment and Terms of Members; Oath; Removal of Members; Vacancies; Board as Body Corporate; Expenses of Members; Powers of Board. - Sec. 2. There is created a board of control for...
Section 390.803 - Board of Control; Quorum; Conducting Business in Compliance With MCL 15.261 Et seq.; Notice of Meeting; Powers and Duties Enumerated. - Sec. 3. (1) A majority of the members of the...
Section 390.804 - Costs Incurred in Transition and Name Change. - Sec. 4. (1) The state shall not bear any cost...