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Section 388.921 - School Loan Bonds or Notes; Issuance, Redemption, Execution, Interest, Sale. - Sec. 1. The people of the state of Michigan by...
Section 388.922 - School Loan Bonds or Notes; Deposit of Proceeds. - Sec. 2. The proceeds of sale of the bonds or...
Section 388.923 - School Loan Bonds or Notes; Continuing Appropriation for Payment. - Sec. 3. For the prompt payment of the principal and...
Section 388.924 - School Loans; Repayment, Reimbursement. - Sec. 4. Any moneys repaid by school districts on loans...
Section 388.925 - School Loans; Notes; Interest; Maximum. - Sec. 5. As an alternative method of providing funds for...