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Section 35.21 - Veterans' Relief Fund; Levy and Collection of Annual Tax; "Period of War" Defined; Emergency Appropriation; Disposition. - Sec. 1. The county board of commissioners of each county...
Section 35.22 - Soldiers' Relief Commission; Membership; Appointment; Terms; Chairperson; Secretary; Vacancy; Oath of Office; Compensation; Removal. - Sec. 2. (1) The judge of probate in each county...
Section 35.23 - Soldiers' Relief Commission; Determination of Amounts to Be Granted and Manner of Payment; Judicial Review. - Sec. 3. The supervisor of each township and ward in...
Section 35.24 - Emergency Relief Provision; Limitations. - Sec. 4. Whenever any emergency shall arise in case of...
Section 35.25 - Soldiers' Relief Commission; Annual Report, Contents. - Sec. 5. Said soldiers' relief commission shall make to the...
Section 35.26 - Unexpended Funds; Transfer to General Fund. - Sec. 6. In cases where moneys have heretofore been raised...
Section 35.27 - Soldiers' Relief Commission; Administration of Oaths. - Sec. 7. The several commissioners appointed under this act shall...