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135-1986-I - Chapter I (338.3101...338.3103)
Section 338.3101 - Short Title. - Sec. 101. This act shall be known and may be...
Section 338.3103 - Definitions. - Sec. 103. As used in this act: (a) "Administrative procedures...
135-1986-II - Chapter II (338.3201...338.3221)
Section 338.3201 - Asbestos Abatement Contractors Licensing Board; Created; Purpose; Appointment, Qualifications, and Terms of Members; Vacancies; Expenses. - Sec. 201. (1) There is created an asbestos abatement contractors...
Section 338.3203 - Duties of Board; Special Meetings; Quorum; Conducting Business at Public Meeting; Notice of Meeting; Availability of Documents to Public. - Sec. 203. (1) The board shall do all of the...
Section 338.3205 - Additional Duties of Board. - Sec. 205. The board shall do all of the following:...
Section 338.3207 - Asbestos Abatement Contractor; License Required; Exception. - Sec. 207. (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (2),...
Section 338.3209 - Application for or Renewal of License; Requirements; Fee. - Sec. 209. (1) To apply for or renew a license,...
Section 338.3211 - Acknowledging Receipt of Application; Notice of Deficiency; Issuance of License or Denial of Application; Time; Statement in License; Grounds for Denial of Application; Failure to Issue License Within Certain Time Period; Report; R... - Sec. 211. (1) Within 15 working days after receiving a...
Section 338.3213 - Terms and Conditions of License. - Sec. 213. In granting a license, the department may, following...
Section 338.3215 - Revocation or Suspension of License. - Sec. 215. The department may revoke or suspend a license...
Section 338.3217 - Duration of License; Conditions to Renewal. - Sec. 217. (1) Unless the department revokes or suspends a...
Section 338.3219 - Responsibility for Removal of Asbestos. - Sec. 219. If the contract does not provide for asbestos...
Section 338.3220 - Asbestos Abatement Project; Notice; Fees; Asbestos Abatement Fund; Report; Emergencies. - Sec. 220. (1) An asbestos abatement contractor shall notify the...
Section 338.3221 - Post Abatement Air Monitoring Check; Maximum Level of Asbestos Fibers. - Sec. 221. (1) Except as provided by this subsection, a...
135-1986-III - Chapter III (338.3301...338.3319)
Section 338.3301 - Duties of Department. - Sec. 301. The department, with the advice of the board,...
Section 338.3303 - Receiving or Initiating Complaints of Alleged Violations. - Sec. 303. The department shall receive or initiate complaints of...
Section 338.3305 - Investigation; Grounds for Denying, Suspending, or Revoking License; Applicability. - Sec. 305. (1) The department, in its own discretion, upon...
Section 338.3306 - Issuance of Subpoena by Circuit Court. - Sec. 306. Upon application by the attorney general or a...
Section 338.3307 - Monetary Civil Penalties; Issuance, Contents, and Delivery of Citation. - Sec. 307. (1) The department, upon recommendation by the board,...
Section 338.3309 - Petition for Administrative Hearing; Notice; Attendance of Employee Representative; Affirming, Dismissing, or Modifying Citation; Judicial Review; Finality, Payment, and Recovery of Civil Penalty; Conduct of Administrative Hearings... - Sec. 309. (1) Not later than 20 days after receipt...
Section 338.3311 - Violation as Misdemeanor; Penalty; Prosecution. - Sec. 311. Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 307 and 309,...
Section 338.3313 - Application of Other Sanctions, Penalties, or Provisions Not Precluded. - Sec. 313. The application of sanctions under this act shall...
Section 338.3315 - Annual Report. - Sec. 315. The department shall submit to the legislature and...
Section 338.3317 - Effective Date of Licensing Provisions. - Sec. 317. The licensing provisions of this act shall take...
Section 338.3319 - Conditional Effective Date. - Sec. 319. This act shall not take effect unless Senate...