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Section 322.581 - Definitions; Running at Large or Grazing by Animal; Permit; Running at Large by Swine as Public Nuisance. - Sec. 1. (1) As used in this act: (a) "Animals"...
Section 322.582 - Animal Found Grazing or Running at Large; Possession by Director; Liability. - Sec. 2. (1) The director may take possession of any...
Section 322.583 - Seizure of Animals; Care While Impounded. - Sec. 3. If the director seizes any animal under section...
Section 322.584 - Notice of Impounding; Posting; Contents. - Sec. 4. Within 48 hours after the impounding of any...
Section 322.585 - Auction; Notice; Posting. - Sec. 5. If a person does not appear to claim...
Section 322.586 - Claim of Ownership of Impounded Animal; Payment. - Sec. 6. If, at any time prior to 24 hours...
Section 322.587 - Escape of Impounded Animal; Retaking. - Sec. 7. If any animal impounded under section 2 escapes,...
Section 322.588 - Animals Impounded; Unlawful Interference, Misdemeanor. - Sec. 8. Any person who without lawful authority attempts to...
Section 322.589 - Animals Impounded; Sale; Disposition of Proceeds; Claim by Owner. - Sec. 9. All money received by the director from the...
Section 322.590 - Criminal Liability of Owner. - Sec. 10. This act does not relieve an owner of...
Section 322.591 - Permits; Sale; Terms and Conditions. - Sec. 11. The terms and conditions of the permits and...
Section 322.592 - Killing of Swine Running at Large; Authority Not Limited. - Sec. 12. This act does not limit authority provided under...