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Section 286.341 - Chemical Laboratories; Fruit Growing Sections; Poisonous Spray Residue; Examination, Certificate, Fees. - Sec. 1. The commissioner of agriculture is hereby empowered to...
Section 286.342 - Chemical Laboratories; Voluntary Submission of Samples; Fee; Certificate. - Sec. 2. Growers of fruit may submit to any temporary...
Section 286.343 - Chemical Laboratories; Establishment by Private Concerns; Supervision, Regulations. - Sec. 3. The commissioner of agriculture shall have supervision over...
Section 286.344 - Appropriation for State Chemical Laboratories. - Sec. 4. There is hereby appropriated the sum of 25,000...
Section 286.345 - Rules and Regulations; Enforcement by Commissioner of Agriculture. - Sec. 5. The commissioner of agriculture is charged with the...