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Section 279.31 - Drain Taxes; Extending Time of Payment, Maximum; Drainage District Bonds, Payment. - Sec. 1. In any county of this state in which...
Section 279.32 - Drain Taxes; Resolution of Board of Supervisors. - Sec. 2. The board of supervisors may, by resolution, by...
Section 279.33 - Drain Taxes; Unpaid Interest and Principal of Outstanding Drainage District Bonds, Payment; Agreement. - Sec. 3. Such board shall be authorized to and shall...
Section 279.34 - Drain Taxes; Assessment, Levy and Collection, Procedure; Duty of Drain Commissioner; New Assessment. - Sec. 4. The assessment, levy and collection of the drain...
Section 279.35 - Drain Taxes; Money Credited to General Fund. - Sec. 5. In case the county advances money for the...
Section 279.36 - Drain Taxes; Lien. - Sec. 6. All drain taxes so extended shall be and...
Section 279.37 - Drain Taxes Assessed at Large; Defect in Proceedings Not Legalized or Waived. - Sec. 7. Nothing in this act contained shall be construed...
Section 279.38 - Scope of Act. - Sec. 8. The provisions of this act shall only apply...