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59-1915-ASSESSMENT. - Assessment. (247.415...247.436)
Section 247.415-247.417 - Repealed. 1958, Act 77, Eff. Sept. 13, 1958. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed sections pertained to payment of assessments...
Section 247.418 - Review of Roll; Notice, Posting, Publishing, Service. - Sec. 18. On the completion of the roll, apportioning the...
Section 247.419 - Hearing of Objections; Adjournment; Roll, Approval, Filing of Copy. - Sec. 19. At such review the said county road commissioners...
Section 247.420 - Yearly Roll for Divided Improvement. - Sec. 20. In case the proposed improvement is divided into...
Section 247.421 - Rolls; Computation of Cost, Total. - Sec. 21. If the rolls are made before the contracts...
Section 247.422 - Rolls; Tax Assessment, Certification, Collection of Tax; Township Exemption. - Sec. 22. After the time for appeal from said roll...
Section 247.422a - Lands Assessed for Covert Road; Purchase of Part or Interest; Apportionment of Assessment, Procedure; Expenses. - Sec. 22a. Any person who has, or shall become the...
Section 247.423 - Division of Roll for Total Cost of Improvement by Number of Years in Which Assessment Paid; Interest Charge; Payment of Full Tax; Notice of Taxes Paid in Full and of Delinquent Taxes; Payment of Tax Spread Against Township at Large;... - Sec. 23. Exclusive of interest, the roll for the total...
Section 247.424 - Interest on Annual Installments; Preparation of Annual Tax Rolls or Assessments; Delivery and Collection of Rolls for Successive Installments; Hearing of Objections; Installments, Interest, and Charges as Lien on Land. - Sec. 24. Except as provided in section 23, after the...
Section 247.425 - Money Collected; Disposition; Disbursement; Interest; Secured Deposits; Limitation on Acceptable Assets; Designation of Financial Institution; “Financial Institution” Defined. - Sec. 25. (1) Money collected on account of an improvement...
Section 247.426, 247.427 - Repealed. 1958, Act 77, Eff. Sept. 13, 1958. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed sections regulated borrowing in anticipation of...
Section 247.428 - Certification of Sums to Be Paid. - Sec. 28. The county road commissioners or the state highway...
Section 247.429 - Deficiency Assessments; Surplus, Crediting, Transfer. - Sec. 29. If the sum ordered raised shall not be...
Section 247.431 - Orders on Improvement Fund; Payment, Limitation. - Sec. 31. Orders on the improvement fund of any special...
Section 247.432 - Donation of Money; Application, Return. - Sec. 32. Donations of money may be received by either...
Section 247.433 - Taxes; Interest Charges, Collection, Powers of Collecting Officers, Return as Delinquent, Lien. - Sec. 33. All taxes assessed under the provisions of this...
Section 247.434 - Taxes; Rejection; Reassessment. - Sec. 34. If any tax assessed under this act is...
Section 247.435 - Taxes; Apportionment on Parcels; Notice of Hearing; Correction of Roll. - Sec. 35. If 2 or more parcels of land owned...
Section 247.436 - Legality of Proceedings, Evidence; Finality of Determination. - Sec. 36. All special assessment rolls and copies of rolls...
59-1915-STATE-HIGHWAY-COMMISSIONER. - State Highway Commissioner. (247.437...247.440)
Section 247.437 - Petition for Improvement; Transmission to Proper Authorities. - Sec. 37. In case a petition is presented to the...
Section 247.438 - Deputy; Acting for Commissioner, Legal Effect. - Sec. 38. Any act or proceeding herein directed or authorized...
Section 247.440 - Jurisdiction Over Highways in More Than One County. - Sec. 40. All highways improved under the provisions of this...
59-1915-REVIEW-OF-ASSESSMENTS. - Review of Assessments. (247.441...247.452)
Section 247.441 - Appeal by Municipality; Application for Board of Review, Limitations; Authorized Representative. - Sec. 41. The county or city at large, or any...
Section 247.442 - Appeal by Municipality; Hearing, Notice; Board of Review or Joint Board; Appointment, Meeting, Notice, Duties. - Sec. 42. The probate court upon the receipt of any...
Section 247.443 - Board of Review; Duty, Limitation, Oath. - Sec. 43. At such hearing the board of review shall...
Section 247.444 - Board of Review; Hearing, View of Lands, Correction of Errors, Additions; Hearing of Objections on Change; Decision, Preparation and Finality. - Sec. 44. The board of review shall proceed to hear...
Section 247.445 - Costs of Appeals. - Sec. 45. In case the assessment of the county road...
Section 247.446 - Appeal by Land Owner; Application for Board of Review; Bond, Liability, Costs. - Sec. 46. The owner of any lands assessed a per...
Section 247.447 - Appeal by Land Owner; Board of Review, Appointment, Eligibility, Notice; Hearing, Notice; Assessment District in More Than One County. - Sec. 47. On the receipt of such claim of appeal...
Section 247.448 - Apportionment Final; Hearing, Duties of Board; Boundaries of Districts. - Sec. 48. The apportionment of benefits for the proposed improvements...
Section 247.449 - Hearing; Adjournment. - Sec. 49. The several boards of review may adjourn from...
Section 247.450 - Determination; Certification, Finality. - Sec. 50. The several boards of review shall certify to...
Section 247.451 - Vacancy on Board; Filling. - Sec. 51. Should any person appointed on either of the...
Section 247.452 - Assessment Rolls; Spread and Collection; Delayed Report of Rolls, Subsequent Installments. - Sec. 52. All the assessment rolls under this act, reported...
59-1915-MISCELLANEOUS. - Miscellaneous. (247.453...247.465)
Section 247.453 - Tax Set Aside; New Proceedings. - Sec. 53. In case any tax assessed under the provisions...
Section 247.454 - Apportionment Based on Benefits; Description of Lands. - Sec. 54. All apportionment for benefits under the provisions of...
Section 247.456 - Drainage; Petition of Commissioner. - Sec. 56. In case the county road commissioners, or the...
Section 247.457 - Legal and Clerical Service, Expenses. - Sec. 57. The county road commissioner, or the state highway...
Section 247.458 - Record of Proceedings; Supplies. - Sec. 58. The county road commissioners, or the state highway...
Section 247.459 - County Road Commissioners; Annual Report. - Sec. 59. The county road commissioners shall render an annual...
Section 247.460 - County Road Commissioners; Administrative Board. - Sec. 60. The county road commissioners shall work together as...
Section 247.461 - County Road Commissioners; Disqualification to Act; Procedure; Special Road Commissioner. - Sec. 61. (1) If a county road commissioner is interested...
Section 247.462 - Repealed. 1958, Act 77, Eff. Sept. 13, 1958. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section provided for employment of an...
Section 247.463 - Estimates and Certificates of Completed Work; Payments on Contracts, Prerequisites, Portion Withheld. - Sec. 63. As the work of improvement progresses, the county...
Section 247.464 - Repealed. 1963, Act 213, Eff. Sept. 6, 1963. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section required bond of successful bidder.
Section 247.465 - Contracts Under $500; Payments. - Sec. 65. The county road commissioners, or the state highway...
59-1915-ACTIONS-AND-HEARING-PROVISIONS. - Actions and Hearing Provisions. (247.466...247.487)
Section 247.466 - Certiorari; Notice, Hearing, Bond; Proceedings, Setting Aside; Costs; Postponement in Letting of Contracts. - Sec. 66. The proceedings herein provided for improving any highway,...
Section 247.467 - Tax Assessment; Irregularities Not Prejudicial; Presumptions; Prima Facie Evidence; Absent or Omitted Records; Signing of Papers; Deeds. - Sec. 67. A tax assessed under this act upon any...
Section 247.468 - Limitation of Actions; Tax Payment Under Protest; Suit Against County. - Sec. 68. No suit shall be instituted to recover any...
Section 247.469 - Injunction Restricted. - Sec. 69. After any taxes shall have been assessed for...
Section 247.470 - Faulty Proceedings; Collection of Tax; New Proceedings. - Sec. 70. The collection of no tax levied, or ordered...
Section 247.471 - Delinquent Tax; Collection. - Sec. 71. Any taxes that may have been assessed and...
Section 247.472 - Tax Set Aside; Parties to Action. - Sec. 72. In case any suit shall be brought to...
Section 247.473 - Tax Set Aside; New Proceedings. - Sec. 73. In case any tax assessed under the provisions...
Section 247.474 - Proceedings; Recommencement; Notice of Hearing; Credit for Tax Paid. - Sec. 74. Whenever the work of improving any highway has...
Section 247.476 - Saving Clause. - Sec. 76. All proceedings heretofore taken under this act shall...
Section 247.477 - Clerical Errors; Correction. - Sec. 77. After the county road commissioners shall have made...
Section 247.478 - Clerical Errors; Notice of Review and Correction. - Sec. 78. The county road commissioners, or the state highway...
Section 247.479 - Clerical Errors; Correction of Omissions, Descriptions, Acreage, Apportionment of Benefits. - Sec. 79. At such meeting, the county road commissioners, or...
Section 247.480 - Correction of Tax in Next Assessment Roll. - Sec. 80. If a parcel of land shall have been...
Section 247.481 - Change in Apportionment or Tax; Restriction. - Sec. 81. The county road commissioners or the state highway...
Section 247.482-247.487 - Repealed. 1958, Act 77, Eff. Sept. 13, 1958. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed sections provided for construction or widening...