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Section 247.351 - Highways Within Townships; Contracts, Structures Included. - Sec. 1. The township board of any township and the...
Section 247.352 - Highways Within Townships; Contracts, Contents; Approval by Electors, Board of County Road Commissioners; Execution. - Sec. 2. Said contract shall provide that all engineering with...
Section 247.353 - Highways Within Townships; Funds. - Sec. 3. For the purpose of obtaining funds to carry...
Section 247.354 - Bonds Issued in Anticipation of Sales Tax Money; Additional Security; Irrevocable Pledge and Appropriation; Annual Debt Service Requirements; Limitation; Successive Borrowings; Bonds and Notes Subject to Revised Municipal Finance Ac... - Sec. 4. (1) Bonds issued under this act in anticipation...
Section 247.355 - General Obligation Bonds. - Sec. 5. General obligation bonds issued under this act shall...
Section 247.356 - Townships and Boards of County Road Commissioners; Enlargement of Powers. - Sec. 6. The powers herein granted shall be deemed an...