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Section 213.111 - Cities, Authority to Take Over Public Utilities. - Sec. 1. Any city in this state having a population...
Section 213.112 - Institution of Proceedings; Council's Resolution of Necessity, Contents; Circuit Court, Jurisdiction. - Sec. 2. Such proceedings may be begun and prosecuted under...
Section 213.113 - Institution of Proceedings; Petition, Contents; Separate Juries on Request to Determine Necessity, Damages. - Sec. 3. The city clerk shall make and deliver to...
Section 213.114 - Summons; Issuance, Contents. - Sec. 4. Upon receiving such petition it shall be the...
Section 213.115 - Summons; Service; Guardian Ad Litem; Alias, Pluries Summons; Return, Evidence. - Sec. 5. Said summons shall be served by the sheriff,...
Section 213.116 - Jury to Be Empaneled. - Sec. 6. On the return day of the summons or...
Section 213.117 - Jury; Oath; Duties; Instruction; Written Verdict. - Sec. 7. The jurors so empaneled shall be sworn or...
Section 213.118 - Jury; Determination and Award; Title Vested in Petitioner. - Sec. 8. The jury shall determine by their verdict the...
Section 213.119 - Jury; Use of Petition, Map, Blank Verdict, Form. - Sec. 9. To assist the jury in arriving at their...
Section 213.120 - Jury to Determine Necessity; Oath; Duties; Instruction; Written Verdict. - Sec. 10. Whenever the city attorney, corporation council [counsel] or...
Section 213.121 - Finding of No Necessity to Take Absolute Fee; Further Proceedings. - Sec. 11. If the jury find that it is not...
Section 213.122 - Finding of Necessity; Right to Possession on Giving Security; Writ of Assistance. - Sec. 12. If the jury find that it is necessary...
Section 213.123 - Finding of Necessity; Determination of Compensation; Oath of Jurors; Duties; Instruction; Award. - Sec. 13. If the jury find that it is necessary...
Section 213.124 - Setting Aside Verdict; New Trial; Amendments. - Sec. 14. The verdict of the jury may be set...
Section 213.125 - Motions for New Trial; Proceedings Arrested; Confirmation, Judgment, Finality. - Sec. 15. Motions for a new trial or to arrest...
Section 213.126 - Appeal; Procedure. - Sec. 16. Any person whose property may be taken, as...
Section 213.127 - Appeal; Records Transmitted, Fees; Settlement of Case by Judge. - Sec. 17. In case of such appeal the clerk of...
Section 213.128 - Appeal; Hearing; Determination; Expenses, Compensation, Damage. - Sec. 18. The said appeal may be brought on for...
Section 213.129 - Verdict; Copy Transmitted to Council; Collection of Award. - Sec. 19. When the verdict of the jury shall have...
Section 213.130 - Verdict; Collection Resolution; Treasurer, Duties; Borrowing Power; Right to Possession; Writ of Assistance. - Sec. 20. Within 1 year after the confirmation of the...
Section 213.131 - Jury Fees; Compensation. - Sec. 21. Officers, jurors and witnesses in any proceedings under...
Section 213.132 - Attorney Fees; Expenses, Costs; Payment by Municipality. - Sec. 22. All the expenses and costs of the proceedings...
Section 213.133 - Discontinuance Prohibited After Verdict; Further Proceedings. - Sec. 23. The common council shall not have the power...
Section 213.134 - Property Ownership; Prima Facie Evidence. - Sec. 24. It shall be prima facie evidence as to...