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Section 128.151 - Township Board of Trustees; Providing New Burying Ground or Enlarging Limits of Existing Burying Ground; Providing Suitable Approaches or Enlarging Limits of Existing Approach; Inability to Agree; Application for Jury; Determining J... - Sec. 1. The board of trustees of a township of...
Section 128.152 - Summons or Venire Facias Commanding County Sheriff or Constable to Summon Freeholders to Appear as Jury; Application and Issuance; Ascertaining Just Compensation and Necessity for Using Real Estate; Notice to Owner or Occupant; Serv... - Sec. 2. The circuit court judge or district court judge,...
Section 128.153 - Notice to Township Board of Trustees; Publication; Service of Notice on Owner. - Sec. 3. Thirty days' previous notice of the time when...
Section 128.154 - Judge; Duties; Jury Summons, Return, Contents; Empaneling. - Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of such judge,...
Section 128.155 - Jury Sworn by Judge; Subpoenas for Witnesses; Visiting and Examining Premises; Jurors' Certificate; Signatures and Indorsement; Judge's Certificate. - Sec. 5. (1) The 12 persons selected as the jury...
Section 128.156 - Judgment; Collection. - Sec. 6. Upon filing such certificates in the circuit court...
Section 128.157 - Incompetent or Unknown Owner; County Treasurer, Duties; Funds Subject to Court Order. - Sec. 7. In case the owner of such real estate...
Section 128.158 - Vesting of Fee; Conditions; Writ of Possession. - Sec. 8. Upon satisfactory evidence being presented to the circuit...
Section 128.159 - Possession by Township; Writ of Possession. - Sec. 9. Such township may, at any time after making...
Section 128.160 - Jury Disagreement; Adjournment, Limit. - Sec. 10. In case the jury hereinbefore provided for shall...
Section 128.161 - Parties to Suit; Proof of Claims; Settlement. - Sec. 11. In case the said burying grounds or addition...
Section 128.162 - Payment Order; Issuance, Receipt; Evidence. - Sec. 12. The circuit judge, judge of probate, or circuit...
Section 128.163 - Subsequent Proceedings. - Sec. 13. In case any circuit judge, circuit court commissioner,...
Section 128.164 - Fees; Compensation. - Sec. 14. Circuit judges, circuit court commissioners, and justices of...