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Section 125.51 - Municipal Planning Commission; Authorization to Certify Plats; Estimate of Time Period for Land Acquisitions. - Sec. 1. After the planning commission of any city or...
Section 125.52 - Adoption by Legislative Body; Notice Before Consideration; Modifications; Disapproval; Failure to Report Within 30 Days Deemed Approval. - Sec. 2. The legislative body of any city or village...
Section 125.53 - Amendments or Modifications; Notice of Consideration; Approval. - Sec. 3. Amendments or modifications to such certified plats, in...
Section 125.54 - Building Permits, Granting; Public Hearing. - Sec. 4. For the purpose of accomplishing a coordinated, adjusted,...
Section 125.55 - Outside Lines Shown by Appropriate Symbols on Maps. - Sec. 5. The proposed future outside lines of streets, parks,...