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Section 38.2501 - Retirement Allowance; Requirements; Application; Form; Retirement Date; Beginning Payment. - Sec. 501. (1) A member or vested former member who...
Section 38.2501a - Early Retirement Benefits Act; System Subject to Regulation. - Sec. 501a. This retirement system is subject to the regulation...
Section 38.2502 - Vested Former Member; Entitlement to Deferred Vested Service Retirement Allowance; Forfeiture. - Sec. 502. A member who leaves office for a reason...
Section 38.2503 - Member or Vested Former Member; Payment of Straight Life Retirement Allowance; Calculation; Payment for Lifetime of Retirant; Election of Optional Retirement Allowance. - Sec. 503. (1) Upon retirement as provided in this act,...
Section 38.2504 - Plan 3 Member; Conversion of $2,250.00 of State Salary Standardization Payment; Exemptions; Limitations; State Base Salary of Probate Court Judge; Deduction and Transfer of Contribution. - Sec. 504. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection,...
Section 38.2504a - Plan 3 Member; Election; Filing; Manner; Payment; Definitions; Applicability of Section. - ***** 38.2504a THIS SECTION IS REPEALED BY ACT 215 OF...
Section 38.2505 - Salary Standardization Payment as Wages for Social Security Reporting Purposes. - Sec. 505. For a member who is a judge and...
Section 38.2506 - Election of Straight Life Retirement Allowance or Optional Retirement Allowance. - Sec. 506. (1) Upon application for retirement under this act,...
Section 38.2507 - Disability; Determination by Medical Adviser; Notice to Appeal; Determination by Medical Committee; Refusal to Submit to Medical Examination; Payment. - Sec. 507. (1) A member who has 8 or more...
Section 38.2508 - Death of Member With 8 or More Years of Credited Service or of Vested Former Member Before Retirement; Payment of Retirement Allowance. - Sec. 508. (1) If a member who has 8 or...
Section 38.2509 - Hospital and Medical-Surgical and Sick Care Benefits; Payment of Premiums. - Sec. 509. (1) The retirement system shall pay the premium...
Section 38.2510 - Effective Date of Retirement Before January 1, 1980; Exception; Supplement. - Sec. 510. (1) Effective June 1, 1996, the retirement allowance...
Section 38.2511 - Effective Date of Retirement Before January 1, 1980; Supplement; Minimum Amount; Retirant or Beneficiary Receiving Annuity or Allowance From Another Publicly Supported System; Former Probate Judges Retirement System. - Sec. 511. (1) Except as provided in subsection (2), the...
Section 38.2512 - Supplemented Retirement Allowance. - Sec. 512. (1) A person may elect to receive a...