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Section 780.781 - Definitions; Designation of Person to Act in Place of Victim; Individual Charged With Offense Arising Out of Same Transaction; Eligibility to Exercise Privileges and Rights Established for Victims. - Sec. 31. (1) Except as otherwise defined in this article,...
Section 780.781a - Duty to Provide Notice to Victim; Furnishing Information or Records; Exception for Address Confidentiality Program. - Sec. 31a. (1) The duty under this article and under...
Section 780.782 - Information to Be Given Victim. - Sec. 32. Within 24 hours after the initial contact between...
Section 780.783 - Return of Property to Victim. - Sec. 33. (1) The law enforcement agency having responsibility for...
Section 780.783a - Statement on Complaint or Petition. - Sec. 33a. The investigating agency or prosecuting attorney that files...
Section 780.783b - Victim of Identity Theft; Filing Police Report; Jurisdiction; "Identity Theft" Defined. - Sec. 33b. (1) To facilitate compliance with 15 USC 1681g,...
Section 780.784 - Separate Statement. - Sec. 34. The investigating agency that files a complaint or...
Section 780.785 - Victim to Be Given Telephone Number of Juvenile Facility and Notice of Release; Motion to Detain Juvenile in Facility. - Sec. 35. (1) If the juvenile has been placed in...
Section 780.786 - Court Jurisdiction; Notices to Victim; Consultation With Prosecuting Attorney; Persons to Be Informed of Victim's Current Address and Telephone Number. - Sec. 36. (1) The court shall accept a petition submitted...
Section 780.786a - Speedy Trial. - Sec. 36a. (1) As provided in subsection (2), a speedy...
Section 780.786b - Removal of Case From Adjudicative Process; Notice Required; Hearing; Consultation of Victim With Prosecuting Attorney. - Sec. 36b. (1) Except for a dismissal based upon a...
Section 780.787 - Separate Waiting Area; Other Safeguards. - Sec. 37. The court shall provide a waiting area for...
Section 780.788 - Testimony Not to Be Compelled; Hearing; Exemption From Disclosure; Exception. - Sec. 38. (1) Based upon the victim's reasonable apprehension of...
Section 780.789 - Presence of Victim at Hearing; Sequestering of Victim. - Sec. 39. The victim has the right to be present...
Section 780.790 - Discharge or Discipline of Victim or Victim Representative by Employer or Employer's Agent; Misdemeanor; Contempt; “Victim Representative” Defined. - Sec. 40. (1) An employer or the employer's agent, who...
Section 780.791 - Additional Notices to Victim. - Sec. 41. (1) The prosecuting attorney, or, pursuant to an...
Section 780.791a - Providing Victim With Form to Receive Certain Notices. - Sec. 41a. If a juvenile is ordered to be placed...
Section 780.792 - Report; Impact Statement. - Sec. 42. (1) If a report is to be prepared...
Section 780.793 - Appearance and Statement of Victim; Notice of Disposition; Physical Presence of Juvenile; Amendatory Act to Be Known and Cited as "Rebekah Bletsch Law". - Sec. 43. (1) The victim has the right to appear...
Section 780.794 - Definitions; Order of Restitution to Be Made by Juvenile. - Sec. 44. (1) As used in this section only: (a)...
Section 780.794a - Allocation of Payment From Juveniles. - Sec. 44a. (1) If a juvenile is subject to any...
Section 780.795 - Factors in Determining Order of Restitution by Juvenile. - Sec. 45. (1) In determining the amount of restitution to...
Section 780.795a - Early Termination of Probation of Juvenile; Notice to Victim. - Sec. 45a. If a juvenile is sentenced to probation with...
Section 780.796 - Additional Notice to Victim; Rights of Victim in Further Proceedings or New Trial. - Sec. 46. (1) Upon the request of the victim, the...
Section 780.796a - Notice to Victim of Juvenile's Application to Have Conviction or Adjudication for Certain Offenses Set Aside; “Assaultive Crime” and “Serious Misdemeanor” Defined. - Sec. 46a. (1) If a juvenile applies to have a...
Section 780.796b - Deductions and Payments. - Sec. 46b. (1) If a juvenile who has been sentenced...
Section 780.797 - Profit From Sale of Recollections of Thoughts and Feelings With Regard to Offense; Juvenile Offense; Forfeiture; Escrow; Distribution of Proceeds. - Sec. 47. (1) A juvenile adjudicated for an offense shall...
Section 780.798 - Notice to Victim by Court, Department of Human Services, County Juvenile Agency, Sheriff, Department of Corrections, or Prosecuting Attorney. - Sec. 48. (1) Upon the victim's written request, the court...
Section 780.798a - Notification by Court. - Sec. 48a. The court may perform the notification functions delegated...
Section 780.799 - Providing Victim With Certified Copy of Order of Adjudicative Hearing. - Sec. 49. If requested, a victim shall be provided with...
Section 780.800 - Cause of Action for Money Damages Against State or Local Government Not Created. - Sec. 50. Nothing in this article shall be construed as...
Section 780.801 - Effect of Failure to Provide Right, Privilege, or Notice to Victim. - Sec. 51. The failure to provide a right, privilege, or...
Section 780.802 - Effective Date of Article; Applicability. - Sec. 52. (1) This article shall take effect June 1,...