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Section 436.1901 - Compliance Required; Prohibited Acts; Violation; Sanctions and Penalties. - Sec. 901. (1) A person, directly or indirectly, himself or...
Section 436.1903 - Suspension or Revocation of License; Violation of Act or Rules; Penalty; Disposition; Administrative Fine; Hearing; Procedure; Fee; Right of Appeal; Institution of Criminal Prosecutions; Defense; Rules; Appointment of Agents to Hea... - Sec. 903. (1) The commission or any commissioner or duly...
Section 436.1903a - Conviction or Administrative Disqualification of Licensee; Electronic Transaction; Sanctions; Hearing and Appeal Procedures; Definitions. - Sec. 903a. (1) A licensee is subject to the licensing...
Section 436.1903b - Payment by Means Dishonored by Financial Institution for Lack of Sufficient Funds; Violation of Act. - Sec. 903b. A retailer violates this act if the retailer...
Section 436.1904 - Consumption or Possession of Alcoholic Liquor on School Property; Prohibition; Violation as Misdemeanor; Exceptions; Other Violations; Application of Section to Minor; Definitions. - Sec. 904. (1) A person shall not consume alcoholic liquor...
Section 436.1905 - Selling or Furnishing Alcoholic Liquor to Minor; Enforcement Actions Prohibited; Conditions; Exception. - Sec. 905. (1) Notwithstanding section 903, if a retail licensee...
Section 436.1906 - Definitions; Server Training Program. - Sec. 906. (1) As used in this section: (a) "Administrator"...
Section 436.1907 - Revocation of License; Forfeiture of Privileges; Seizure of Alcoholic Liquor. - Sec. 907. (1) Upon revocation of a license issued under...
Section 436.1909 - Violation of Act as Misdemeanor or Felony; Penalties or Sanctions; Remedies; Violation of MCL 436.1203; "Person" Defined; Legislative Intent. - Sec. 909. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this act,...
Section 436.1911 - Failure to Pay Tax; Penalties; Collection. - Sec. 911. (1) If a person fails or refuses to...
Section 436.1913 - Prohibited Conduct; Unlicensed Premises or Place; Unlawful Consumption of Alcoholic Liquor; Exceptions; Construction of Section; “Consideration” Defined. - Sec. 913. (1) A person shall not do either of...
Section 436.1914 - Alcohol Vapor Device; Use, Possession, Sale, or Offer to Sell Prohibited; Violation; Rules. - Sec. 914. (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (3),...
Section 436.1914a - Powdered Alcohol; Use, Possession, Sale, or Offer for Sale Prohibited; Violation as Misdemeanor; Exception; "Powdered Alcohol" Defined. - Sec. 914a. (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (2),...
Section 436.1914b - Marihuana-Infused Beer, Wine, Mixed Wine Drink, Mixed Spirit Drink, or Spirits; Use, Possession, Sale, or Offer for Sale Prohibited; Exception; Definitions. - Sec. 914b. (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (2),...
Section 436.1915 - Possessing or Consuming Alcoholic Liquor on Public Highway or in Park, Place of Amusement, or Publicly Owned Area; Authority of Local Governmental Unit or State Department or Agency to Prohibit Possession or Consumption of Alcoholi... - Sec. 915. (1) Alcoholic liquor shall not be consumed on...
Section 436.1916 - Entertainment, Dance, or Topless Activity Permits; Issuance; Prohibited Activity; Exceptions; Extended Hours Permit; Permits Issued Under Administrative Rule; Fees; Definitions. - Sec. 916. (1) An on-premises licensee shall not allow monologues,...
Section 436.1917 - Liability of Vendor. - Sec. 917. (1) A person who engages in the business...
Section 436.1919 - Forging Documents, Labels, or Stamps; Prohibited Conduct; Penalty. - Sec. 919. A person who falsely or fraudulently makes, simulates,...
Section 436.1921 - Sale or Exchange of Ceramic Commemorative Bottles. - Sec. 921. Notwithstanding section 203, a collector, who is 21...
Section 436.1923 - Warehouse Receipts for Alcoholic Liquor; Authority of Commission. - Sec. 923. The commission has complete power to regulate, limit,...
Section 436.1925 - Construction of Act; Severability. - Sec. 925. (1) This act shall be construed to effect...