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Section 436.2101 - Sale of Spirits and Mixed Spirit Drink for Consumption on Premises; Resolution; Petition; Notice; Submission of Question to Electors; Ballot; Canvass; Effect of Tie Vote; Use of Section to Nullify Referendum Vote Prohibited. - Sec. 1101. (1) Spirits and mixed spirit drink for consumption...
Section 436.2101a - Violation of MCL 168.1 to 168.992 Applicable to Petitions; Penalties. - Sec. 1101a. A petition under section 1101, 1107, 1111, or...
Section 436.2103 - Sale of Spirits and Mixed Spirit Drink for Consumption on Premises; Annexation of Territory to City Prohibiting Sale; Continuance of License; Referendum. - Sec. 1103. (1) If spirits and mixed spirit drink for...
Section 436.2105 - Sale of Spirits and Mixed Spirit Drink for Consumption on Premises; Referendum; License to Serve Spirits in Addition to Beer and Wine for Consumption on Premises; Application; Approval; Fee; Referendum in Certain Townships. - Sec. 1105. (1) When the question of the sale of...
Section 436.2107 - Manufacture and Sale of Alcoholic Liquor; County Option; Form of Ballot; Notice of Prohibition. - Sec. 1107. (1) Upon the filing with the county clerk...
Section 436.2109 - Ordinance Prohibiting Retail Sale of Alcoholic Liquor; Adoption; Duration; Election; Affirmance or Revocation; Prohibition. - Sec. 1109. (1) Notwithstanding section 1101, a city, village, or...
Section 436.2111 - Sunday Sale of Beer and Wine During Certain Hours; Circumstances for Prohibiting. - Sec. 1111. (1) The sale of beer and wine between...
Section 436.2113 - Selling at Retail, or Buying Spirits or Mixed Spirit Drink on Sunday; Sale of Spirits or Mixed Spirit Drink for Consumption on or Off Premises on Sunday; Resolution; Petition; Election; Form of Ballot; Voting; Violation as Misdemea... - Sec. 1113. (1) Except as provided in subsection (2), (3),...
Section 436.2114 - Selling, Giving Away, Furnishing, or Buying Alcoholic Liquor or Spirits on Any Day; Annual Fee. - Sec. 1114. (1) Notwithstanding R 436.1403 and R 436.1503 of...
Section 436.2115 - Sale of Spirits or Mixed Spirit Drink on Sunday; Additional Fee; Disposition of Revenue. - Sec. 1115. (1) A licensee who elects to sell spirits...