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Section 324.63528 - Certificate of Public Liability Insurance; Maintenance of Policy in Full Force and Effect; Rules. - Sec. 63528. (1) An applicant for a permit shall submit...
Section 324.63529 - Performance Bond; Form, Coverage, and Amount; Liability; Execution by Applicant and Corporate Surety; Election to Deposit Cash or Assets as Security; Acceptance of Bond Without Separate Surety; Adjustment of Bond or Deposit Amount... - Sec. 63529. (1) After a surface coal mining and reclamation...
Section 324.63530 - Total or Partial Release of Performance Bond or Deposit; Application; Notice; Publication; Contents; Inspection and Evaluation of Reclamation Work; Notification of Decision; Reclamation Schedule; Disapproval of Application; Notify... - Sec. 63530. (1) The permittee may file a request with...
Section 324.63531 - Coal Exploration Operations; Rules; Notice of Intent to Explore; Violation of Section or Rules; Penalties; Maximum Amount of Coal Removable Pursuant to Exploration Permit. - Sec. 63531. (1) Coal exploration operations that significantly disturb the...