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Section 16.400 - Department of Education; Creation. - Sec. 300. There is hereby created a department of education....
Section 16.401 - Head of Department of Education. - Sec. 301. The head of the department of education is...
Section 16.402 - Board of Education; Transfer of Powers, Duties, and Functions to Department. - Sec. 302. All powers, duties and functions vested by law...
Section 16.403 - Superintendent of Public Instruction; Transfer of Powers, Duties, and Functions to Department. - Sec. 303. All powers, duties and functions now vested by...
Section 16.404 - Board of Education; Membership; Nomination and Election; Terms. - Sec. 304. The board of education shall consist of 8...
Section 16.405 - Superintendent of Public Instruction; Appointment; Term. - Sec. 305. The principal executive officer of the department of...
Section 16.406 - State Tenure Commission; Transfer. - Sec. 306. The state tenure commission created under Act No....
Section 16.407 - State Higher Education Facilities Commission; Transfer. - Sec. 307. The state higher education facilities commission created under...
Section 16.408 - Repealed. 1989, Act 128, Imd. Eff. June 28, 1989. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section transferred the Michigan education assistance...
Section 16.409 - Repealed. 1982, Act 540, Eff. Mar. 30, 1983. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section transferred the state board of...
Section 16.410 - State Board for Public Community and Junior Colleges; Transfer. - Sec. 310. The state board for public community and junior...