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Section 418.101 - Short Title. - Sec. 101. This act shall be known and may be...
Section 418.111 - Persons Subject to Act. - Sec. 111. Every employer, public and private, and every employee,...
Section 418.115 - Employers Covered; Private Employers; Agricultural Employers; Medical and Hospital Coverage. - Sec. 115. This act shall apply to: (a) All private...
Section 418.118 - Domestic Servants. - Sec. 118. (1) No household domestic servant shall be considered...
Section 418.119 - Licensed Real Estate Salesperson or Associate Real Estate Broker as Employee. - Sec. 119. A person who is licensed as a real...
Section 418.120 - Employee of Franchisee as Employee of Franchisor. - Sec. 120. An employee of a franchisee is not an...
Section 418.121 - Private Employers; Voluntary Assumption of Coverage. - Sec. 121. Any private employer not otherwise included by sections...
Section 418.125 - Consistent Discharges to Evade Act; Presumption, Penalty. - Sec. 125. Any employer otherwise subject to the provisions of...
Section 418.131 - Exclusive Remedy; Exception; “Employee” and “Employer” Defined. - Sec. 131. (1) The right to the recovery of benefits...
Section 418.141 - Employee; Action for Personal Injury or Death, Defenses Abolished. - Sec. 141. In an action to recover damages for personal...
Section 418.151 - Employers Subject to Act. - Sec. 151. The following constitutes employers subject to this act:...
Section 418.155 - Agricultural Employer; Definition. - Sec. 155. (1) An agricultural employer means one who hires...
Section 418.161 - “Employee” Defined; Exclusion From Coverage of Partner or Spouse, Child, or Parent in Employer's Family; Election by Employee to Be Excluded; Notice of Election; Duration of Elected Exclusion. - Sec. 161. (1) As used in this act, "employee" means:...
Section 418.171 - Employer Contracting With Person Not Subject to Act; Liability; Applicability of Section to Principal and Contractor; Willful Circumvention of Provisions; Employer as Contractor; Reimbursement Agreement. - Sec. 171. (1) If any employer subject to the provisions...