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300-1949-IV-CIVIL-LIABILITY-OF-OWNERS-AND-OPERATORS-OF-MOTOR-VEH - Civil Liability of Owners and Operators of Motor Vehicles (257.401...257.404)
Section 257.401 - Civil Actions; Liability of Owner; Liability of Lessor; Construction of Subsections (3) and (4); “Motor Vehicle” Defined; Liability for Off Lease Vehicle. - Sec. 401. (1) This section shall not be construed to...
Section 257.401a - “Owner” Defined. - Sec. 401a. As used in this chapter, "owner" does not...
Section 257.402 - Rear End Collision; Prima Facie Evidence of Negligence. - Sec. 402. (a) In any action, in any court in...
Section 257.403 - Nonresident Vehicle Operators; Service of Process, Manner, Record; Service Upon Defendant, Certification; Taxable Costs; Application of Section. - Sec. 403. (a) Service of summons in any action against...
Section 257.403a - Nonresident; Definition. - Sec. 403a. As used in section 403, the term "nonresident"...
Section 257.404 - Service of Process; Place. - Sec. 404. In any tort action for the recovery of...