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Section 74.1 - Village; Construed. - Sec. 1. The term village, whenever used in this act,...
Section 74.2 - Village Not to Own Stock. - Sec. 2. No village shall become the owner or holder...
Section 74.3 - Affidavit or Certificate of Publication; Filing; Evidence. - Sec. 3. If, under this act, notice of any matter...
Section 74.4 - Repealed. 1974, Act 4, Imd. Eff. Jan. 30, 1974. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to bonds for payment...
Section 74.5 - Board of Trustees; Construction. - Sec. 5. If in any other act the governing body...
Section 74.6 - Changing Boundaries; Order, Copy to Secretary of State, Evidence. - Sec. 6. Whenever the council of any village shall determine...
Section 74.6a - Petition for Annexation or Detachment; Prohibition. - Sec. 6a. The county board of commissioners shall not consider...
Section 74.7 - Reincorporation of Villages; Repeal. - Sec. 7. Villages incorporated before February 19, 1895 under any...
Section 74.8 - Reincorporation of Villages; Rights, Obligations; Remedies. - Sec. 8. All villages reincorporated under and made subject to...
Section 74.9 - Repealed. 1998, Act 254, Imd. Eff. July 13, 1998. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to effect of reincorporation...
Section 74.10 - Reincorporation; Existing By-Laws, Ordinances, Rules and Regulations. - Sec. 10. The by-laws and ordinances of any such village,...
Section 74.11 - Repealed. 1998, Act 254, Imd. Eff. July 13, 1998. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to effect of reincorporation...
Section 74.12 - Reincorporation; Granted Licenses. - Sec. 12. All licenses granted by any such village under...
Section 74.13 - Repealed. 1998, Act 254, Imd. Eff. July 13, 1998. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to effect of reincorporation...
Section 74.15 - Repealed. 1998, Act 254, Imd. Eff. July 13, 1998. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to effect of reincorporation...
Section 74.17, 74.18 - Repealed. 1988, Act 33, Imd. Eff. Feb. 25, 1988. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed sections pertained to vacating incorporation of...
Section 74.18a - Disincorporation of Village; Procedure. - Sec. 18a. (1) To initiate the disincorporation of a village,...
Section 74.19 - Vacating Incorporation of Village; Submission of Transcript to County Board of Commissioners. - Sec. 19. Upon receiving the transcript of the proceedings in...
Section 74.20 - Vacation of Village Incorporation; Disposition of Village Property; Assessment; Levy; Placement in Separate Fund. - Sec. 20. (1) Upon the vacation of the incorporation of...
Section 74.21 - Vacation of Village Incorporation; Apportionment of Indebtedness; Village in More Than One Township or County. - Sec. 21. (1) If the territory formerly embraced within a...
Section 74.22 - Placing Property Outside Corporate Limits; Procedure; Resolution, Board of Supervisors. - Sec. 22. In case any person or persons want their...
Section 74.23 - Resolution for Election of Procedures. - Sec. 23. Not later than the next meeting of council...
Section 74.23a - Disincorporation Commission; Composition; Appointment of Members. - Sec. 23a. (1) A disincorporation commission shall be composed of...
Section 74.23b - Disincorporation Commission; Oath of Office; Vacancy. - Sec. 23b. (1) An individual appointed to the disincorporation commission...
Section 74.23c - Disincorporation Commission; Chairperson; Secretary; Officers; Bylaws; Quorum; Conducting Business at Public Meetings. - Sec. 23c. (1) The president of the village shall appoint...
Section 74.23d - Disincorporation Commission; Contract for Consultants and Advisors; Funds. - Sec. 23d. (1) The disincorporation commission may contract for such...
Section 74.23e - Disincorporation Plan; Elements to Be Included; Findings. - Sec. 23e. (1) The disincorporation commission may adopt a disincorporation...
Section 74.23f - Disincorporation Plan; Submission; Ratification. - Sec. 23f. A disincorporation plan adopted under section 23e shall...
Section 74.23g - Disincorporation Plan; Approval; Ballot; Form; Special Election; Failure of Commission to Adopt Plan. - Sec. 23g. (1) If the disincorporation plan is approved under...
Section 74.23h - Disincorporation; Approval by Electors. - Sec. 23h. (1) The proposed disincorporation is approved by the...
Section 74.23i - Filing New Petition; Limitation. - Sec. 23i. A new petition shall not be filed under...
Section 74.24 - Modification of Act. - Sec. 24. A village incorporated under this act may locally...
Section 74.25 - Short Title. - Sec. 25. This act shall be known and may be...