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Section 66.1 - Ordinance; Style; Passage; Days Required to Be Effective. - Sec. 1. The style of an ordinance shall be: "The...
Section 66.2 - Violation of Ordinance; Sanction; Designation as Civil Infraction; Civil Fine; Act or Omission Constituting Crime; Penalty. - Sec. 2. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this act,...
Section 66.2a - Recreational Trailway; Posting Ordinance; Prohibited Operation of Vehicle as Municipal Civil Infraction; Penalty. - Sec. 2a. (1) An ordinance regulating a recreational trailway is...
Section 66.3 - Record of Ordinances; Authentication. - Sec. 3. Upon enactment, each ordinance shall be recorded by...
Section 66.3a - Codification of Ordinances. - Sec. 3a. A village may codify, recodify, and continue in...
Section 66.4 - Publication of Ordinance or Synopsis; Certification; Adoption of State Statute by Reference; Penalty. - Sec. 4. (1) Within 15 days after an ordinance is...
Section 66.5 - Repealed. 1998, Act 255, Imd. Eff. July 13, 1998. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to laws, regulations, or...
Section 66.6 - Violation of Ordinance; Commencement of Prosecution; Judicial District; Powers of Court. - Sec. 6. (1) an action for violation of an ordinance...
Section 66.7 - Violation of Ordinance; Civil Action to Recover Penalty; Warrant; Law Governing Proceedings. - Sec. 7. If a penalty is incurred for the violation...
Section 66.8 - Use of County Jail; Expenses. - Sec. 8. Every village shall be allowed the use of...
Section 66.9 - Sufficient Statement of Cause; Right to Trial by Jury; Selecting and Summoning Jurors; Inhabitant of Village as Juror; Applicability of Section to Civil Infraction. - Sec. 9. (1) An action for the violation of an...
Section 66.10 - Appeals to Circuit Court; Proceedings. - Sec. 10. A person convicted of a violation of an...
Section 66.11 - Village Lockup or Holding Facility. - Sec. 11. The council shall have power to provide and...
Section 66.12 - Security for Costs; Filing by Complaining Witness; Liability. - Sec. 12. In prosecutions for violations of the ordinances of...
Section 66.13 - Fines; Payment. - Sec. 13. Except in cases in which a fine is...
Section 66.14 - Suit Against Collector; Failure to Pay Over Fines; Larceny. - Sec. 14. If a person who collects a fine or...