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3-1895-IV-PRESIDENT. - President. (64.1...64.4)
Section 64.1 - President as Chief Executive Officer; Duties Generally. - Sec. 1. The president is the chief executive officer of...
Section 64.2 - Village President; Duties as Conservator of Peace. - Sec. 2. The president is a conservator of the peace...
Section 64.3 - Suspension or Removal of Officer; Examination and Inspection of Books, Records, and Papers; Additional Duties of President; Section Subject to Ordinance. - Sec. 3. The president may suspend any officer authorized by...
Section 64.4 - Acting President. - Sec. 4. In the absence or disability of the president,...
3-1895-IV-CLERK. - Clerk. (64.5...64.8a)
Section 64.5 - Clerk; Duties. - Sec. 5. (1) The clerk shall keep the corporate seal...
Section 64.6 - Clerk as General Accountant; Duties; Check Disbursement. - Sec. 6. (1) The clerk shall be the general accountant...
Section 64.7 - Clerk; Duties. - Sec. 7. Unless otherwise provided by ordinance, the clerk shall...
Section 64.8 - Duties; Financial Report to Council; Contents. - Sec. 8. The clerk shall report to the council, whenever...
Section 64.8a - Functions Subject to Ordinance. - Sec. 8a. The functions of the village clerk are subject...
3-1895-IV-TREASURER. - Treasurer. (64.9...64.12a)
Section 64.9 - Village Treasurer; Duties. - Sec. 9. The treasurer shall do all of the following:...
Section 64.10 - Treasurer; Reports; Contents. - Sec. 10. The treasurer shall report to the clerk on...
Section 64.11 - Treasurer; Vouchers. - Sec. 11. The treasurer shall take vouchers for all money...
Section 64.12 - Treasurer; Disposition of Money; Private Use Prohibited. - Sec. 12. The treasurer shall keep all village money in...
Section 64.12a - Functions Subject to Ordinance. - Sec. 12a. The functions of the village treasurer are subject...
3-1895-IV-MARSHAL. - Marshal. (64.13...64.16)
Section 64.13-64.16 - Repealed. 1998, Act 255, Imd. Eff. July 13, 1998. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed sections pertained to powers and duties...
3-1895-IV-SURVEYOR. - Surveyor. (64.17...64.17)
Section 64.17 - Repealed. 1998, Act 255, Imd. Eff. July 13, 1998. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to power and duties...
3-1895-IV-STREET-COMMISSIONER. - Street Commissioner. (64.18... 64.19)
Section 64.18, 64.19 - Repealed. 1998, Act 255, Imd. Eff. July 13, 1998. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed sections pertained to powers and duties...
3-1895-IV-ASSESSOR. - Assessor. (64.20...64.20)
Section 64.20 - Repealed. 1998, Act 255, Imd. Eff. July 13, 1998. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to powers and duties...
3-1895-IV-COMPENSATION. - Compensation. (64.21...64.21)
Section 64.21 - Village Officers; Compensation. - Sec. 21. The president and each trustee shall receive compensation...