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Section 460.1071 - Proposed Energy Optimization Plan; Filing; Time Period; Energy Waste Reduction Plan; Goal; Provisions; Limitation on Expenditures. - Sec. 71. (1) A provider shall file a proposed energy...
Section 460.1073 - Waste Reduction Plan; Approval by Commission; Review; Contested Case Hearing; Proposed Amendment; Rejection of Plan and Amendments; Applicability of Section After December 31, 2021. - Sec. 73. (1) A provider's energy waste reduction plan shall...
Section 460.1074 - Energy Waste Reduction Cost Reconciliation. - Sec. 74. (1) This section applies only to a provider...
Section 460.1075 - Energy Waste Reduction Plan; Exceeding Standard; Authorization for Commensurate Financial Incentive; Payment; Limitations. - Sec. 75. (1) An energy waste reduction plan of a...
Section 460.1077 - Incremental Energy Savings; Determination; Calculations; Basis; Substitution. - Sec. 77. (1) Except as provided in section 81 and...
Section 460.1078 - Energy Waste Reduction Plan Amendment; Petition by Electric Provider to Establish Alternative Energy Waste Reduction Level; Petition by Natural Gas Provider to Establish Alternative Energy Waste Reduction Standard; Determination. - Sec. 78. (1) By January 1, 2022, and every 2...
Section 460.1079 - Repealed. 2016, Act 342, Eff. Apr. 20, 2017. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to location of advanced...
Section 460.1081 - Repealed. 2016, Act 342, Eff. Jan. 1, 2022. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to petition identifying efforts...
Section 460.1083 - Energy Waste Reduction Credit; Grant; Expiration; Carrying Forward Excess Credits. - Sec. 83. (1) One energy waste reduction credit shall be...
Section 460.1085 - Energy Waste Reduction Credit; Transfer Prohibited. - Sec. 85. An energy waste reduction credit is not transferable...
Section 460.1087 - Certification and Tracking Program; Credit. - Sec. 87. (1) The commission shall establish an energy waste...
Section 460.1089 - Recovery of Costs; Limitation; Capitalization Costs; Funding Level for Low Income Residential Programs; Authorization of Natural Gas Provider to Implement Revenue Decoupling Mechanism. - Sec. 89. (1) The commission shall allow a provider whose...
Section 460.1091 - Alternative Compliance Payment. - Sec. 91. (1) Except for section 89(5), sections 71 to...
Section 460.1093 - Self-Directed Energy Waste Reduction Plan. - Sec. 93. (1) An eligible electric customer is exempt from...
Section 460.1095 - Duties and Authority of Commission; Duties of Michigan Agency for Energy. - Sec. 95. (1) Subject to subsection (2), the commission shall...
Section 460.1097 - Compliance With Energy Waste Reduction Standards; Reports; Applicability of Subsection (5). - Sec. 97. (1) By a time determined by the commission,...
Section 460.1099 - Civil Action Against Municipally Owned Electric Utility or Cooperative Electric Utility. - Sec. 99. The attorney general or any customer of a...