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Section 206.251 - Credit for Taxes Withheld; Election to Treat as Total Tax. - Sec. 251. (1) The amount withheld under section 703 shall...
Section 206.252, 206.253 - Repealed. 2011, Act 38, Eff. Jan. 1, 2012. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed sections pertained to Headlee amendment refund...
Section 206.254 - Flow-Through Entity Members; Tax Credit for Tax Paid by the Flow-Through Entity; Refundable. - Sec. 254. (1) Except as otherwise provided under this section,...
Section 206.255 - Credit for Tax Imposed by Another State, District of Columbia, or Canadian Province; Allowance of Canadian Provincial Credit; Maximum Credit. - Sec. 255. (1) A resident individual or resident estate or...
Section 206.256 - Tax Exemption in Other States by Nonresidents; Reciprocal Agreement. - Sec. 256. For a nonresident individual, estate, or trust, if...
Section 206.257 - Repealed. 2011, Act 38, Eff. Jan. 1, 2012. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to tax credit for...
Section 206.258 - Repealed. 1975, Act 233, Imd. Eff. Aug. 27, 1975. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to credit for personal...
Section 206.260, 206.261 - Repealed. 2011, Act 38, Eff. Jan. 1, 2012. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed sections pertained to tax credit for...
Section 206.262 - Repealed. 1996, Act 484, Eff. Jan. 1, 1997. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to tax credits for...
Section 206.263 - Repealed. 1996, Act 484, Eff. Jan. 1, 1996. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to agricultural products gleaned...
Section 206.264 - Repealed. 2011, Act 38, Eff. Jan. 1, 2012. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to tax credit for...
Section 206.265 - Credit Against Tax; Determining Amount; Eligibility; Limitation; Refund. - Sec. 265. (1) For the 1989 tax year and each...
Section 206.266 - Rehabilitation of Historic Resource; Tax Credit; Plan; Certification; Revocation of Certificate or Sale of Historic Resource; Rules; Report; Definitions. - Sec. 266. (1) A qualified taxpayer with a rehabilitation plan...
Section 206.266a - Rehabilitation of Historic Resource; Tax Credit; Plan; Certification; Revocation of Certificate or Sale of Historic Resource; Rules; Report; Definitions. - Sec. 266a. (1) Subject to the limitations under this section,...
Section 206.267-206.269 - Repealed. 2011, Act 38, Eff. Jan. 1, 2012. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed sections pertained to tax credit after...
Section 206.270 - Tax Voucher Certificate; Definitions. - Sec. 270. (1) For tax years that begin after December...
Section 206.271 - Recomputation of Taxable Income by Excluding Proportional Gain or Loss on Disposition of Property. - Sec. 271. (1) A taxpayer subject to the tax levied...
Section 206.272 - Tax Credit; Amount Equal to Federal Credit; Refund. - Sec. 272. (1) For the following tax years that begin...
Section 206.273 - Repealed. 2000, Act 499, Eff. Dec. 31, 2001. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to credit for prescription...
Section 206.274-206.276 - Repealed. 2011, Act 38, Eff. Jan. 1, 2012. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed sections pertained to tax credit claimed...
Section 206.278 - Qualified Investment in Qualified Business; Tax Credit; Definitions. - Sec. 278. (1) Subject to the limitations provided under this...