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Section 4.1101 - Short Title. - Sec. 101. This act shall be known and may be...
Section 4.1102 - Definitions. - Sec. 102. As used in this act: (a) "Bureau" means...
Section 4.1103 - Legislative Council; Creation; Appointment, Qualifications, and Terms of Members; Alternates; Removal; Vacancies; Expenses. - Sec. 103. There is created within the legislative branch of...
Section 4.1104 - Legislative Council; Election of Chairperson and Alternate Chairperson; Meetings; Notice; Rules; Quorum; Report; Oaths; Subpoena of Witnesses; Examination of Books and Records; Creation of Subcommittees; Expenses; Availability of Wri... - Sec. 104. (1) Annually the council shall elect from its...
Section 4.1104a - Council Administrator; Appointment; Duties; Responsibilities. - Sec. 104a. (1) The council shall appoint a council administrator...
Section 4.1105 - Legislative Service Bureau; Creation; Bill Drafting, Research, and Other Services; Organization; Appointment of Director to Serve at Pleasure of Council; Duties, Qualifications, and Compensation of Director. - Sec. 105. The council shall maintain bill drafting, research, and...
Section 4.1106 - Director as Chief Administrative Officer of Bureau; Employment and Compensation of Employees; Employees as Nontenured, At-Will Employees; Discipline, Transfer, Demotion, or Summary Discharge of Employee; Management of Bureau; Expense... - Sec. 106. The director of the bureau shall be the...
Section 4.1107 - Legislative Reference Library; Research Services; Technical and Other Assistance. - Sec. 107. The bureau shall maintain a legislative reference library...
Section 4.1108 - Legislative Service Bureau; Drafting Duties; Publication of General Laws in Force; Publication of Public and Local Acts. - Sec. 108. The bureau shall: (a) At the request of...
Section 4.1109 - Employees Not to Urge or Oppose Legislation; Duties of Employees; Recommendation of Legislation by Director; Confidentiality. - Sec. 109. An employee of the bureau shall not urge...
Section 4.1110 - Text of Statutes, Constitution, Index, and Other Matter Included in Compiled Laws; Maintenance; Use of Materials for Departmental Publications. - Sec. 110. The bureau shall maintain the text of the...