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Section 330.1451 - Court Hearings; Applicable Provisions. - Sec. 451. Court hearings convened under authority of this chapter...
Section 330.1452 - Court Hearing; Date; Receipt of Certain Documents. - Sec. 452. (1) The court shall fix a date for...
Section 330.1453 - Court Hearing; Notice. - Sec. 453. (1) The court shall cause notice of a...
Section 330.1453a - Alternatives to Hospitalization; Preparation of Assessment Report. - Sec. 453a. Upon receipt of documents described in section 452,...
Section 330.1454 - Legal Counsel; Appointment; Waiver; Preferred Counsel; Compensation; System for Providing Representation; Consultation With Subject of Petition Before Court Hearing; Certificate. - Sec. 454. (1) Every individual who is the subject of...
Section 330.1455 - Right to Be Present at All Hearings; Waiver; Exclusion of Subject by Court; Stipulation to Entry of Treatment Order; Meeting; Request to Defer Hearing; Continuing Jurisdiction During Deferral Period; Treatment as Formal Voluntary P... - Sec. 455. (1) The subject of a petition has the...
Section 330.1456 - Place of Hearing; Change of Venue. - Sec. 456. (1) Hearings may be held in such quarters...
Section 330.1457 - Participation of Prosecuting Attorney; Exception. - Sec. 457. The prosecuting attorney of the county in which...
Section 330.1458 - Jury. - Sec. 458. The subject of a petition may demand that...
Section 330.1459 - Documents, Witnesses, and Cross-Examination; Rules of Evidence. - Sec. 459. (1) The parties in a proceeding under this...
Section 330.1460 - Investigation by Counsel; Evidence. - Sec. 460. Counsel for the subject of a petition shall...
Section 330.1461 - Testimony or Deposition of Physician or Psychologist Required; Waiver; Examinations; Presence of Attorney During Deposition; Cross-Examination of Deponent; Waiver. - Sec. 461. (1) An individual may not be found to...
Section 330.1462 - Continuance or Adjournment; Grounds. - Sec. 462. (1) Requests for continuances for any reasonable time...
Section 330.1463 - Independent Clinical Evaluation by Physician, Psychiatrist or Psychologist; Compensation; Use by Subject of Petition. - Sec. 463. (1) If requested before the first scheduled hearing...
Section 330.1464 - Persons Entitled to Copies of Court Orders. - Sec. 464. Copies of court orders issued pursuant to this...
Section 330.1464a - Order of Involuntary Hospitalization or Combination of Hospitalization and Assisted Outpatient Treatment; Entering or Removing Order From Law Enforcement Information Network; Applicability of Section to Order of Involuntary Treatm... - Sec. 464a. (1) Upon entry of a court order directing...
Section 330.1465 - Clear and Convincing Evidence Required. - Sec. 465. A judge or jury shall not find that...