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Section 791.261 - Bureau of Prisons; Establishment, Direction and Supervision. - Sec. 61. There is hereby established within the department, a...
Section 791.262 - Definitions; Administration of State Correctional Facilities; Supervision and Inspection of Jails and Lockups; Rules and Standards; Variance; Advice and Services; Enforcement of Orders; Residence of Sheriff as Part of County Jail; V... - Sec. 62. (1) As used in this section: (a) "Holding...
Section 791.262a - Local Lockup Advisory Board; Creation; Appointment, Term, and Expenses of Members; First Meeting; Election of Chairperson; Quorum; Model Policy; Review. - Sec. 62a. (1) A local lockup advisory board is created...
Section 791.262b - Housing Inmates in County Jail Cell Designed and Constructed for Single Occupancy; Conditions; Classification System; Doors; Visual Supervision; Indemnification for Expense or Damages. - Sec. 62b. (1) The rules and standards promulgated under section...
Section 791.262c - Housing Inmates in County Jail Cell; Conditions; Classification System; Doors; Visual Supervision. - Sec. 62c. (1) The rules and standards promulgated under section...
Section 791.262d - Prisoners Who Are 18 to 22 Years of Age; Development of Rehabilitation Plans; Programming; Report; "Correctional Facility" Defined. - Sec. 62d. (1) The department shall develop rehabilitation plans for...
Section 791.263 - Wardens; Appointment; Personnel; “Correctional Facility” Defined. - Sec. 63. (1) The wardens of the correctional facilities of...
Section 791.263a - Compensation of Correctional or Youth Correctional Facility Employees Injured by Inmate Assault or Injured During Riot; Exception; "Correctional Facility" Defined. - Sec. 63a. (1) A person employed by the department of...
Section 791.264 - Classification of Prisoners; Classification Committee; Information; Filing; Investigation; Computation of Sentence; Recomputation Based on Amended Judgment. - Sec. 64. (1) The assistant director in charge of the...
Section 791.265 - Transfer or Re-Transfer of Prisoner; Confinement in Secure Correctional Facility; "Offender" Defined; Transfer of Offenders to Country of Citizenship; Notification to Judge and Prosecutor; Objections; "Secure Correctional Facility"... - Sec. 65. (1) Under rules promulgated by the director of...
Section 791.265a - Extending Limits of Confinement; Rules; Escape From Custody; Eligibility for Extensions of Limits of Confinement; Placement in Community Residential Home; Definitions. - Sec. 65a. (1) Under prescribed conditions, the director may extend...
Section 791.265b - Definitions; Transfer of Mentally or Physically Disabled Prisoner to Medical Institution; Duration; Determination of Mental or Physical Disability; Financial Responsibility of Department; Regulations. - Sec. 65b. (1) As used in this section: (a) "Medical...
Section 791.265c - Work Camp; Construction, Maintenance, and Operation; Purpose; Assignment of Prisoners; Displacement of Employed Persons or Workers on Strike or Locked Out; Agreement of Bargaining Unit; Citizens Advisory Committee; Escape; Reimburs... - Sec. 65c. (1) As used in this section, "work camp"...
Section 791.265d - Occurrences Requiring Entry in Law Enforcement Information Network; Occurrences Requiring Certain Information to Be Made Available on Line; Time Limitation; Scope of Entry; “State Correctional Facility” Defined. - Sec. 65d. (1) If 1 or more of the following...
Section 791.265e - Transfer of Prisoner to Community Placement Facility; Notice. - Sec. 65e. When a prisoner is transferred into a community...
Section 791.265f - Housing Prisoners; Prohibitions. - Sec. 65f. (1) Beginning September 30, 1990, a prisoner who...
Section 791.265g - Definitions. - Sec. 65g. As used in this section and sections 65h...
Section 791.265h - Placement in Community Corrections Center or Community Residential Home; Community Status Criteria; Location of Center; Prisoner Population; Curfew; Random Checks. - Sec. 65h. (1) A prisoner who does not meet the...
Section 791.265i - Citizens' Council. - Sec. 65i. (1) The legislative body of a city, village,...
Section 791.266 - Commitment by Courts; Purpose of Classification. - Sec. 66. For the purpose of classification, all convicted prisoners...
Section 791.267 - Temporary Confinement; Study of Prisoner; Suitability of Prisoner to Type of Rehabilitation Required; Report; Execution of Confinement Order; Test for HIV or Antibody to Hiv; Applicability of Subsection (2); Housing Prisoner in Admi... - Sec. 67. (1) Quarters for temporary confinement apart from those...
Section 791.267a - Nonemergency Medical, Dental, or Optometric Services; Intentional Injury; Copayment or Payment by Prisoner; On-Site Medical Treatment; Report on Feasibility and Cost. - Sec. 67a. (1) A prisoner who receives nonemergency medical, dental,...
Section 791.267b - Exposure of Employee to Blood or Body Fluid of Prisoner; Request to Test Prisoner for HIV or Hbv Infection; Form and Contents of Request; Determination; Prisoner Consent Not Required; Counseling; Determination Not Requiring HIV or... - Sec. 67b. (1) If an employee of the department sustains...
Section 791.268 - Payment of Filing Fees or Costs by Prisoner; Court Order to Make Monthly Payments; Removal of Amount From Prisoner Institutional Account. - Sec. 68. If a prisoner is ordered by a court...
Section 791.268a - Visits From Minors; Conditions; Restrictions; “Minor” Defined. - Sec. 68a. (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (2),...
Section 791.269 - Confiscation and Disposal of Items in Possession of Prisoner; Request of Victim or Victim's Representative; "Victim's Representative" Defined. - Sec. 69. (1) Upon the request of a victim or...
Section 791.269a - Subjecting Visitor to Pat Down Search; Condition; Waiver; Definitions. - Sec. 69a. (1) A visitor to a state correctional facility...
Section 791.269b - Inmate Reentry Services; Applicants From Nonprofit Faith-Based, Business and Professional, Civic, and Community Organizations; Screening, Approval, and Registration of Organizations; Denial; Posting of Telephone Number and Applicat... - Sec. 69b. (1) Subject to the policies and procedures adopted...