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Section 500.2204 - Settlement of Action Brought by Third Party Against Person Insured Under Commercial Liability Insurance Policy; Notice to Insured Required. - Sec. 2204. Prior to a trial, an insurer shall not...
Section 500.2205 - Minor's Contracts for Insurance. - Sec. 2205. A contract for life or disability insurance made...
Section 500.2206 - Repealed. 2014, Act 140, Eff. Mar. 31, 2015. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to minor's capacity to...
Section 500.2207 - Insurable Interest; Personal Insurance; Rights of Beneficiaries, Creditors. - Sec. 2207. (1) It shall be lawful for any husband...
Section 500.2209 - Insurable Interest; Married Woman; Right to Proceeds, Devise. - Sec. 2209. (1) It shall be lawful for any married...
Section 500.2210 - Definitions; Insurable Interest; Employer; Trust; Exemption From Claims. - Sec. 2210. (1) As used in this section: (a) "Employee...
Section 500.2210a - Trustee Having Insurable Interest Under MCL 700.7114. - Sec. 2210a. A trustee of a trust has an insurable...
Section 500.2211 - Consent of Insured. - Sec. 2211. (1) Any individual who has an insurable interest...
Section 500.2212 - Insurable Interest in Life of Individual. - Sec. 2212. Notwithstanding any other section of this act, an...
Section 500.2212a - Health Insurance Policy; Description of Terms, Conditions, and Information; Written Request; Style, Arrangement and Appearance of Policy; "Board Certified" Defined. - Sec. 2212a. (1) An insurer that delivers, issues for delivery,...
Section 500.2212b - Policy Issued Under MCL 550.3405 and to Health Maintenance Organization Contract; Applicability; Termination of Affiliation or Participation Between Primary Care Physician and Insurer; Notice to Insured; Effect of Termination; Def... - Sec. 2212b. (1) This section applies to a policy issued...
Section 500.2212c - Prescription Drug Prior Authorization Workgroup; Creation; Development of Methodology; Prior Authorization Request; Definitions. - Sec. 2212c. (1) By January 1, 2015, the workgroup shall...
Section 500.2212d - National or Regional Certification of Physician; Condition of Payment or Reimbursement by Insurer or Health Maintenance Organization; Prohibited. - Sec. 2212d. An insurer that delivers, issues for delivery, or...
Section 500.2212e - Standard Electronic Prior Authorization Transaction Process; Requirements; Adverse Determination Process; Denial and Appeals; Standard Report; Modification Program; Definitions. - Sec. 2212e. (1) For an insurer that delivers, issues for...
Section 500.2213 - Internal Formal Grievance Procedure; Approval by Director; Provisions; Person Authorized to Act on Behalf of Insured or Enrollee; Section Inapplicable to Provider Complaint and Insurance Listed in Right to Independent Review Act; W... - Sec. 2213. (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (4),...
Section 500.2213a - Expenses Incurred by Director; Calculation; Assessment; "Insurer" Defined. - Sec. 2213a. (1) The director shall calculate actual and necessary...
Section 500.2213b - Renewal or Continuation of Policy; Modification; Guaranteed Renewal; Discontinuing Plan or Product in Nongroup or Group Market; Short-Term or 1-Time Limited Duration Policy or Certificate; Reports. - Sec. 2213b. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this section,...
Section 500.2213c - Disability Income Insurer; Internal Grievance Procedure; Establishment; Contents; “Grievance” Defined. - Sec. 2213c. (1) Each disability income insurer shall establish an...
Section 500.2213d - Uniform Prescription Drug Information Card or Other Technology. - Sec. 2213d. (1) A health benefit plan that provides coverage...
Section 500.2214 - Disability Insurance; Application, Use as Evidence. - Sec. 2214. (1) An insured is not bound by a...
Section 500.2216 - Life or Disability Insurance; Alteration of Application. - Sec. 2216. No alteration of any written application for any...
Section 500.2218 - Disability Insurance; False Statement in Application; Effect. - Sec. 2218. The falsity of any statement in the application...
Section 500.2220 - Life Insurance; Solicitor as Agent of Insurer. - Sec. 2220. Any person who shall solicit an application for...
Section 500.2226 - Life Insurance; Benefits, Manner of Payment, Period, and Premiums to Be Contained in Policy. - Sec. 2226. (1) A life insurer shall not make with...
Section 500.2227 - Withholding Final Settlement Amount; Notice; Escrow Procedure to Be Followed by City, Village, or Township; Disposition of Money by Local Treasurer; Commingling Funds Prohibited; Retention of Interest to Defray Expenses; Forwarding... - Sec. 2227. (1) If a claim is filed for a...
Section 500.2228 - Automobile Insurance; Contents of Policy. - Sec. 2228. (1) No policy of insurance against fire, theft,...
Section 500.2230 - Mutual Insurers Other Than Life; Contents of Policy. - Sec. 2230. Mutual insurers, other than life insurers, may insert...
Section 500.2232 - Reciprocal Insurers; Contents of Policy. - Sec. 2232. A reciprocal insurer may insert in any form...
Section 500.2235 - Written Notice to Insured Under Worker's Compensation Insurance Policy. - Sec. 2235. At least annually, in conjunction with a renewal...
Section 500.2236 - Forms Generally; Filing; Approval; Type Size; Membership in or Subscription to Rating Organization; Substitute Form; Readability Score and Other Requirements; Approval of Changes or Additions; Notice of Disapproval or Withdrawal of... - Sec. 2236. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this section,...
Section 500.2236a - Interest Indexed Universal Life Insurance; Information to Be Maintained on File. - Sec. 2236a. All of the following information shall be maintained...
Section 500.2237 - Policy Issued Under Chapter 34; Prohibited Restriction of Liability. - Sec. 2237. An insurer shall not deliver in this state...
Section 500.2238 - Repealed. 1970, Act 180, Imd. Eff. Aug. 3, 1970. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to basic form of...
Section 500.2239 - Health Care Service Rendered by Dentist; Benefits or Reimbursement; “Dentist” Defined; Policies to Which Section Applicable. - Sec. 2239. (1) If a group or individual hospital, medical,...
Section 500.2242 - Group Disability Policy; Filing and Approval of Form; Grounds for Disapproval; Notice, Hearing, and Appeal Requirements; Withdrawal of Approval; Quarterly Filing; Applicability of Section to Forms Filed by Nonprofit Dental Corporat... - Sec. 2242. (1) Except as otherwise provided in section 2236(8)(d),...
Section 500.2243 - Group Policies; Optometric Service; Coverage. - Sec. 2243. (1) Notwithstanding any provision of a policy or...
Section 500.2246 - Insured or Applicant for Life Insurance Policy as Victim of Domestic Violence; Refusal to Provide Coverage Prohibited; Exceptions; Liability; Applicability to Policies on or After June 1, 1998; “Domestic Violence” Defined. - Sec. 2246. (1) A life insurer that delivers, issues for...
Section 500.2248 - Automobile Insurance; Delivery of Policy to Insured. - Sec. 2248. (1) A policy of insurance against fire, theft,...
Section 500.2250 - Binders or Other Contracts for Temporary Insurance; Applicability. - Sec. 2250. Binders or other contracts for temporary insurance shall...
Section 500.2254 - Action Against Domestic Insurer by Member or Beneficiary; Conditions. - Sec. 2254. Suits at law may be prosecuted and maintained...
Section 500.2260 - Life or Disability Insurance; Acts Not Constituting Waiver of Defenses. - Sec. 2260. The acknowledgement by any insurer of the receipt...
Section 500.2264 - Termination of Dependent Coverage at Specified Age; Exception. - Sec. 2264. Any contract or insurance policy delivered on or...
Section 500.2264a - Hospital or Medical Care Coverage or Reimbursement for Children Who Are Full-Time or Part-Time Students and Take Leave of Absence. - Sec. 2264a. (1) Any policy or certificate delivered, issued for...
Section 500.2265-500.2290 - Repealed. 1992, Act 84, Imd. Eff. June 2, 1992. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed sections pertained to medicare supplemental policies...
Section 500.2266 - Electronic Delivery of Insurance Documents; Requirements; Withdrawal of Consent; Civil Liability; Applicability to Health Insurer or Health Maintenance Organization; Definitions. - Sec. 2266. (1) Subject to the requirements of this section,...