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Section 500.1301 - Insurance Holding Companies; Definitions. - ***** 500.1301 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 500.1301.amended - Insurance Holding Companies; Definitions. - ***** 500.1301.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 500.1305 - Domestic Insurers; Organization or Acquisition of Subsidiaries; Book of Business; Value; Admitted Asset; Limitation; Amortization; Annual Test; Definition; Authority of Commissioner. - Sec. 1305. (1) A domestic insurer, either by itself or...
Section 500.1311 - Merging With or Acquiring Control of Domestic Insurer; Statement; Filing Confidential Notice of Proposed Divestiture; Notice by Person Proposing to Merge or Acquire Control of Domestic Insurer; “Domestic Insurer” Explained. - Sec. 1311. (1) A person other than the issuer shall...
Section 500.1312 - Statement Filed With Director; Contents; Duties. - Sec. 1312. (1) The statement filed with the director under...
Section 500.1313 - Partnership, Syndicate or Other Group; Statement Filed With Commissioner, Amendment. - Sec. 1313. (1) If the person required to file the...
Section 500.1314 - Alternative Filing Materials. - Sec. 1314. If any offer, request, invitation, agreement or acquisition...
Section 500.1315 - Merger or Acquisition of Control; Approval by Director; Public Hearing; Determination; Contested Case Hearing. - Sec. 1315. (1) The director shall approve a merger or...
Section 500.1316 - Information to Shareholders; Expense; Bond; Examination or Investigation. - Sec. 1316. All statements, amendments, or other material filed pursuant...
Section 500.1317 - Exemptions. - Sec. 1317. The provisions of sections 1311 to 1319 do...
Section 500.1318 - Violations. - Sec. 1318. The following are violations of sections 1311 to...
Section 500.1319 - Jurisdiction of Actions Arising Out of Violations; Consent to Process. - Sec. 1319. The courts of this state have jurisdiction over...
Section 500.1324 - Insurers Subject to Registration; Time. - Sec. 1324. An insurer that is a member of an...
Section 500.1325 - Registration Statement; Form; Contents; Other Reports or Information Required. - Sec. 1325. (1) An insurer subject to registration under section...
Section 500.1325a - Annual Enterprise Risk Report. - ***** 500.1325a THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 500.1325a.amended - Annual Enterprise Risk Report. - ***** 500.1325a.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 500.1325b.added - Annual Group Capital Calculation; Filing; Exemption. - ***** 500.1325b.added THIS ADDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 500.1325c.added - Liquidity Stress Test Framework; Results; Filing; Compliance With Naic. - ***** 500.1325c.added THIS ADDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 500.1326 - Registration Statement; Nonmaterial Information Not Disclosed. - ***** 500.1326 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 500.1326.amended - Registration Statement; Nonmaterial Information Not Disclosed. - ***** 500.1326.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 500.1327 - Registration Statement; Reporting Material Changes or Additions and Distributions to Shareholders. - Sec. 1327. Each registered insurer shall keep current the information...
Section 500.1328 - Registration; Termination. - Sec. 1328. The commissioner shall terminate the registration of any...
Section 500.1329 - Consolidated Registration Statements. - Sec. 1329. The commissioner may require or allow 2 or...
Section 500.1330 - Registration on Behalf of Affiliated Insurer. - Sec. 1330. The commissioner may allow an insurer authorized to...
Section 500.1331 - Exemptions. - Sec. 1331. The provisions of sections 1324 to 1333 shall...
Section 500.1332 - Petition for Disclaimer of Affiliation; Filing; Contents; Effect; Disallowance. - Sec. 1332. Any person may file with the commissioner a...
Section 500.1333 - Registration Statement; Failure to File. - Sec. 1333. The failure to file a registration statement, an...
Section 500.1334 - Person Subject to Registration; Providing Information to Insurer. - Sec. 1334. A person within an insurance holding company system...
Section 500.1341 - Transactions Within Holding Company System; Certain Insurers as Party; Standards; Prior Approval; Transactions Entered Into by Domestic Insurers; Notification; Separate Transactions; Review by Director; Total Investment Exceeding 1... - Sec. 1341. (1) Transactions within a holding company system to...
Section 500.1341a.added - Domestic Insurer Investments; Limitations. - ***** 500.1341a.added THIS ADDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 500.1342 - Application of MCL 500.436a. - Sec. 1342. In determining whether an insurer remains safe, reliable,...
Section 500.1343 - Ordinary Shareholder Dividends Paid by Domestic Insurers; Review by Director; Determination of Reasonableness; Factors; Limiting or Disallowing Payment of Shareholder Dividends; Declaration or Payment From Earned Surplus; Declarati... - Sec. 1343. (1) Each year the director shall review the...
Section 500.1344 - Officers and Directors; Obligation or Liability; Common Management or Cooperative or Joint Use of Personnel, Property, or Services. - Sec. 1344. (1) Notwithstanding the control of a domestic insurer...
Section 500.1351 - Examination of Insurer or Affiliates; Information; Experts; Expenses. - Sec. 1351. (1) Subject to the limitation in this section...
Section 500.1355 - Examination of Insurer or Affiliates; Confidentiality of Information; Written Consent; Disclosure; Notice; Publication in Interest of Public; Sharing Documents, Materials, or Other Information With Regulator, Naic, or Law Enforceme... - ***** 500.1355 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 500.1355.amended - Examination of Insurer or Affiliates; Privilege and Confidentiality of Information; Use of Materials; Written Consent; Disclosure; Notice; Publication in Interest of Public; Sharing Documents; Written Agreement; Responsibil... - ***** 500.1355.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 500.1357 - Participation of Director in Supervisory College. - Sec. 1357. (1) The director may participate in a supervisory...
Section 500.1359 - Internationally Active Insurance Group; Group-Wide Supervisor; Determination Factors; Duties. - Sec. 1359. (1) The director may act as the group-wide...
Section 500.1361 - Issuance of Rules and Orders. - Sec. 1361. Upon notice and opportunity for all interested persons...
Section 500.1365 - Injunctions; Violation of Chapter, Rule or Order. - Sec. 1365. When it appears to the commissioner that any...
Section 500.1367 - Voting Certain Securities Prohibited; Injunction. - Sec. 1367. A security that is the subject of any...
Section 500.1368 - Voting Securities in Violation of Chapter; Sequestration of Securities. - Sec. 1368. When a person has acquired or is proposing...
Section 500.1371 - Violation of Chapter; Action by Director; Criminal Proceeding; Penalty; Disapproval of Dividends or Distributions. - Sec. 1371. (1) An insurer that does not, without just...
Section 500.1375 - Violation of Chapter; Receivership. - Sec. 1375. If it appears to the commissioner that a...
Section 500.1377 - Liquidation or Rehabilitation; Recovery of Certain Distributions or Payments. - Sec. 1377. (1) If an order for liquidation or rehabilitation...
Section 500.1378 - Failure by Commissioner to Act or Make Determination; Petition for Writ of Superintending Control. - Sec. 1378. A person aggrieved by failure of the commissioner...
Section 500.1379 - Violation of Chapter; Suspension, Revocation or Refusal to Renew License. - Sec. 1379. When it appears to the commissioner that any...