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Section 111.1 - Tax Assessment and Collection by Supervisors; City Assessor, Duties; Rules. - Sec. 1. The supervisors of every city shall, in each...
Section 111.2 - Personal Property; Assessment; Tax Exemption. - Sec. 2. If any person residing in the city a...
Section 111.3 - Personal Property; Assessment; Situs. - Sec. 3. All personal property found in any ward may...
Section 111.4 - Property Assessment; Equalization. - Sec. 4. For the purpose of assessing all property equally...
Section 111.5 - Board of Review; Members, Duties, Compensation; Equalization by County Supervisors; Apportionment. - Sec. 5. The supervisors of the several wards, the city...
Section 111.6 - Board of Review; Meetings of Board; Officers; Proceedings; Statement, Form; Endorsed Rolls Returned to Supervisors; Finality. - Sec. 6. The said board shall meet on the third...
Section 111.7 - Assessment Roll; Certified Copy Delivered by Supervisor to City Clerk. - Sec. 7. Within 60 days after the confirmation, and where...
Section 111.8 - Certification by City Clerk to County Clerk; Contents. - Sec. 8. On or before the first Monday of October...
Section 111.9 - Apportionment of Amounts by Board of Supervisors; Certification Procedure. - Sec. 9. The board of supervisors of the county in...
Section 111.10 - Certification of Taxes by City Clerk to Ward Supervisors. - Sec. 10. On or before the first day of October,...
Section 111.11 - Ward Supervisors; Duties as to Tax Levy. - Sec. 11. Each supervisor, shall, where the taxes are levied...
Section 111.12 - Ward Supervisors; Delivery of Roll to City Clerk; Amounts Charged to Treasurer, Bond; Collection Procedure. - Sec. 12. Each supervisor [upon] on completing his roll shall...
Section 111.13 - Warrant Annexed to Roll; Contents. - Sec. 13. The warrant annexed to each roll shall state...
Section 111.14 - Taxes; Lien on Land. - Sec. 14. All taxes levied in any ward tax roll,...
Section 111.15 - City Treasurer; Duties; Notice to Taxpayers; Collection Fee. - Sec. 15. Upon receiving the several ward tax rolls as...
Section 111.16 - Unpaid Taxes; Collection; Sale. - Sec. 16. For the collection of all taxes remaining unpaid...
Section 111.17 - Unpaid Taxes; New Warrants; Suits. - Sec. 17. The county treasurer may issue new warrants to...
Section 111.18 - Assessment Unit; City Treasurer, Duties. - Sec. 18. For the purpose of assessing and levying taxes...
Section 111.19 - Moneys Received; Disposition. - Sec. 19. The city treasurer shall, within 1 week after...
Section 111.20 - Delinquent Taxes; Collection. - Sec. 20. All the provisions of law respecting delinquent taxes...