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Section 205.721 - Tax Tribunal; Creation; Quasi-Judicial Agency; Appointment, Reappointment, and Terms of Members; Vacancy; Training. - Sec. 21. (1) The tax tribunal is created and is...
Section 205.722 - Tax Tribunal; Qualifications of Members; Oath; Requirements; Prohibitions; Compensation and Expenses; Motion for Disqualification. - Sec. 22. (1) All of the following apply to tribunal...
Section 205.723 - Tax Tribunal; Election and Duties of Chairman. - Sec. 23. Annually, the tribunal shall elect 1 of its...
Section 205.724 - Tax Tribunal; Chief Clerk; Deputy Clerks; Oath; Bond. - Sec. 24. (1) The tribunal shall have 1 chief clerk....
Section 205.725 - Principal Office of Tribunal and Chief Clerk; Accommodations and Equipment; Legal, Technical, and Secretarial Assistance; Restrictions on Clerks or Employees; Salaries and Expenses of Tribunal. - Sec. 25. (1) The principal office of the tribunal and...
Section 205.726 - Appointment of Hearing Officers; Conducting Hearings; Notice of Hearing; Proposed Decision of Hearing Officer or Referee. - Sec. 26. The tribunal may appoint 1 or more hearing...