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Section 168.931 - Prohibited Conduct; Violation as Misdemeanor; “Valuable Consideration” Defined. - Sec. 931. (1) A person who violates 1 or more...
Section 168.931a - Appearance of Name of Elected or Appointed Official on Ballot-Related Material; Prohibition; Violation as Misdemeanor; Penalty. - Sec. 931a. (1) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the...
Section 168.932 - Prohibited Conduct; Violation as Felony. - Sec. 932. A person who violates 1 or more of...
Section 168.932a - Violations as Felony; Penalty. - Sec. 932a. A person who does any of the following...
Section 168.932c - Registering Individuals; Compensation Prohibited; Violation as Felony; Penalty. - Sec. 932c. (1) A person shall not provide compensation to...
Section 168.932e - Misrepresentation as Election Official; Violation as Felony. - Sec. 932e. (1) A person shall not intentionally misrepresent by...
Section 168.933 - Perjury; Definition. - Sec. 933. A person who makes a false affidavit or...
Section 168.933a - Forgery; Definition. - Sec. 933a. Except as otherwise provided in this act, a...
Section 168.934 - Misdemeanor; Penalty. - Sec. 934. Any person who shall be found guilty of...
Section 168.935 - Felony; Penalty. - Sec. 935. Any person found guilty of a felony under...
Section 168.936 - Perjury; Penalty. - Sec. 936. Any person found guilty of perjury under the...
Section 168.937 - Forgery; Penalty. - Sec. 937. Any person found guilty of forgery under the...
Section 168.938 - Candidate Convicted of Felony; Election Void Quo Warranto. - Sec. 938. If any candidate for any public office at...
Section 168.939 - Election Inspector; Duty to Furnish Information to Prosecuting Attorney. - Sec. 939. It shall be the duty of every inspector...
Section 168.940 - Prosecuting Attorney; Duty to Prosecute. - Sec. 940. It is hereby made the duty of every...
Section 168.941 - Peace Officers; Duty to Institute Proceedings. - Sec. 941. It is hereby made the duty of any...
Section 168.942 - Prosecution; Time Limitations; Immunity of Witnesses. - Sec. 942. An offense under this act shall not be...
Section 168.943 - Recorder's Court; Jurisdiction; Circuit Courts, Jurisdiction. - Sec. 943. The recorder's court in the city of Detroit...
Section 168.944 - False Designation of Incumbency; Misdemeanor. - Sec. 944. Any person who advertises or uses in any...
Section 168.945 - Inducing Improper Applications to Vote as Absentee Voter; Misdemeanor. - Sec. 945. Any person who induces or attempts to induce...
Section 168.947 - Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to possession of master...