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Section 168.531 - Primary Elections; Nomination of Candidates by Direct Vote. - Sec. 531. Whenever any primary election shall be held in...
Section 168.532 - Nomination by Caucus or Convention Where Principal Candidate Receives Less Than 5% of Vote Cast for Candidates for Secretary of State. - Sec. 532. A political party whose principal candidate received less...
Section 168.533 - Applicability of Act. - Sec. 533. The provisions of this act relative to the...
Section 168.534 - General Primary; Time; Party Candidates; Condition to Nomination. - Sec. 534. A general primary of all political parties except...
Section 168.535 - General Primary; Nomination of Nonpartisan Candidates. - Sec. 535. A general primary shall be held in every...
Section 168.536, 168.537 - Repealed. 1963, 2nd Ex. sess., Act 57, Imd. Eff. Dec. 27, 1963. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed sections provided for nomination in primary...
Section 168.538 - Primary Election; Notice; Posting; Publication. - Sec. 538. Primary election notices shall be published and posted...
Section 168.539 - City and County Primary Elections; Not Held When No Opposition; Certification of Candidates; Notice to City and Township Clerks, Public Notice. - Sec. 539. If, upon the expiration of the time for...
Section 168.540 - Nonpartisan Primary Elections; When Not Held; Certification of Candidates. - Sec. 540. If, upon the expiration of the time for...
Section 168.541 - District Primary Elections; Not Held When No Opposition; Certification of Candidates; Notice to City and Township Clerks. - Sec. 541. If upon the expiration of the time for...
116-1954-XXIV-PREPARATION-AND-FILING-OF-NOMINATING-PETITIONS;-FE - Preparation and Filing of Nominating Petitions; Fees (168.542...168.558)
Section 168.542 - Nominating Petitions; Provisions Governing. - Sec. 542. The printing of the name of any person...
Section 168.543, 168.544 - Repealed. 1965, Act 312, Eff. Jan. 1, 1966. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed sections prescribed requirements for primary election...
Section 168.544a - Nonpartisan Nominating Petitions; Size, Form, Contents. - Sec. 544a. The form, size and contents of all nonpartisan...
Section 168.544b - Candidates for Judicial Office; Affidavit of Qualifications to Be Filed With Nominating Petitions. - Sec. 544b. (1) Except as provided in subsection (2), a...
Section 168.544c - Nominating Petition; Type Size; Form; Contents; Circulation and Signing; Validity of Elector's Signature; Agreement of Circulator to Accept Jurisdiction; Service With Legal Process; Violations; Misdemeanor; Felony; Sanctions; Refus... - Sec. 544c. (1) A nominating petition must be 8-1/2 inches...
Section 168.544d - Nominating Petitions for Offices and Purposes; Circulation; Form; Identification of City or Township; Certificate of Circulator; Other Form Not Prohibited. - Sec. 544d. Nominating petitions for the offices under this act...
Section 168.544e - Canvassing Petitions; Number Designations for Months. - Sec. 544e. When canvassing petitions filed pursuant to this act,...
Section 168.544f - Number of Signatures Required. - Sec. 544f. The number of signatures of qualified and registered...
Section 168.545 - Nominating Petitions; Combination of Two Offices. - Sec. 545. In those instances in which the duties of...
Section 168.546 - Nominating Petitions; Supply by County and City Clerks; Printing by Candidate. - Sec. 546. The various county clerks and city clerks shall...
Section 168.547 - Repealed. 1965, Act 312, Eff. Jan. 1, 1966. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section made it unlawful for voter...
Section 168.547a - Nominating Petitions; Signatures by Voters, Number, Counting. - Sec. 547a. If a qualified and registered voter signs nominating...
Section 168.548 - Nominating Petitions; Maximum Number of Signatures. - Sec. 548. It shall be unlawful for any candidate to...
Section 168.549 - Nominating Petitions; Excess Signatures, Counting. - Sec. 549. If any nominating petitions contain more than the...
Section 168.550 - Candidates for Nomination; Qualification Upon Compliance With Act. - Sec. 550. No candidate shall have his name printed upon...
Section 168.551 - Nominating Petitions or Filing Fees; Filing Period. - Sec. 551. Until December 31, 2013, the secretary of state...
Section 168.551a - Repealed. 1956, Act 37, Imd. Eff. Mar. 28, 1956. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section provided for contents and filing...
Section 168.552 - Nominating Petitions; Certification by County or City Clerk; Sworn Complaint; Investigation to Determine Validity of Signatures and Genuineness of Petition; Examination of Petitions; Declaration of Sufficiency or Insufficiency of Pe... - Sec. 552. (1) The county or city clerk, after the...
Section 168.552a - Validity of Petition or Signature. - Sec. 552a. (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this act...
Section 168.553 - Nominating Petitions; Insufficiency, Notice to Candidate. - Sec. 553. In case it is determined that the nominating...
Section 168.554 - List of Candidates; Posting. - Sec. 554. The secretary of state or county or city...
Section 168.554a - Repealed. 1971, Act 5, Eff. Mar. 30, 1972. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to time for filing...
Section 168.555 - Nominating Petitions and Filing Fees; Public Record, Contents; Public Inspection. - Sec. 555. The various officers named herein shall keep a...
Section 168.556 - Nominating Petitions; Final Disposition, Record. - Sec. 556. All nominating petitions filed under the provisions of...
Section 168.557 - Repealed. 2002, Act 163, Imd. Eff. Apr. 9, 2002. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to requirements for nominating...
Section 168.558 - Filing Nominating Petition, Qualifying Petition, Filing Fee, or Affidavit of Candidacy; Affidavit of Identity; Requirement to Indicate Name Change; Exception; Statement; Noncompliance; Selection of Office to Which Candidacy Restrict... - Sec. 558. (1) When filing a nominating petition, qualifying petition,...
116-1954-XXIV-PREPARATION-AND-DISTRIBUTION-OF-BALLOTS - Preparation and Distribution of Ballots (168.559...168.573)
Section 168.559 - Official Primary Election Ballots; Preparation, Distribution. - Sec. 559. It shall be the duty of the board...
Section 168.560 - Ballots; Use; Size. - Sec. 560. Ballots other than those furnished by the board...
Section 168.560a - General Election Ballot; Listing Political Party and Name; Qualification. - Sec. 560a. A political party the principal candidate of which...
Section 168.560b - Name Appearing on Ballot; Change; Appearance of Given and Middle Name; Nickname; Common Law Name; Married Name; Violation. - Sec. 560b. (1) A candidate required to indicate a name...
Section 168.561 - Official Primary Election Ballots; Offices for Which Name of Candidate to Be Included; Filing Request for Clarifying Designation of Same or Similar Surnames; Notice of Determination; Appeal; Printing Occupation, Date of Birth, or Re... - Sec. 561. (1) The ballots prepared by the board of...
Section 168.561a - Official Ballots; Designation of Candidate With Same Given and Surname as Incumbent. - Sec. 561a. In any primary election whenever any candidate for...
Section 168.562 - Official Ballots; Delegates to County Convention. - Sec. 562. The said ballots shall also contain as many...
Section 168.562a - Repealed. 1983, Act 181, Imd. Eff. Oct. 25, 1983. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to delegate ballots.Popular Name:...
Section 168.562b - Election as Delegate to State Convention or National Convention; Signing Affidavit; Voting for Presidential Candidate; Filing Affidavit. - Sec. 562b. (1) Before an individual may be elected as...
Section 168.563 - Primary Election Ballots; Number; Weight and Color of Paper; Printing and Arrangement. - Sec. 563. The number of ballots to be printed for...
Section 168.564 - Official Ballots; Failure of Party to File Required Petitions, Party Ballot Not Printed. - Sec. 564. If in the case of any political party...
Section 168.565 - Filing, Mailing, and Correcting Proof Copies of Ballots; Affidavit. - Sec. 565. (1) Not less than 58 days before the...
Section 168.566 - Official Primary Ballots; Posting for Public Inspection. - Sec. 566. The official primary ballots shall be posted in...
Section 168.567 - Official Primary Ballots; Errors, Correction by Board of Election Commissioners. - Sec. 567. The boards of election commissioners shall correct such...
Section 168.568 - Official Primary Election Ballots; Form; Order and Title of Offices. - Sec. 568. (1) The official primary election ballots shall be...
Section 168.569 - Official Primary Ballots; Numbering; Separation of Columns. - Sec. 569. The ballots for each election district shall be...
Section 168.569a - Rotation of Names; Manner; Effect of Using Absent Voter Counting Board; Section Applicable to Nonpartisan General Elections and Municipal Elections. - Sec. 569a. (1) In all primary elections, if there are...
Section 168.570 - Paper Ballots; Numbering; Identification; Function of and Requirements for Detachable Corner Stub; Distribution of Ballots; Form. - Sec. 570. Paper ballots must be numbered consecutively and identified...
Section 168.570a - Official Primary Ballot; Candidates for Township Offices; Party Qualification. - Sec. 570a. The official primary ballot shall include candidates for...
Section 168.571 - Repealed. 1963, 2nd Ex. sess., Act 57, Imd. Eff. Dec. 27, 1963. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section provided that provisions pertaining to...
Section 168.572 - Official Primary Ballots; Provision for Write-in Votes. - Sec. 572. The ballots shall be prepared in such manner...
Section 168.573 - Official Primary Ballots; Packaging, Seal, Certification. - Sec. 573. The ballots of each kind for each election...
116-1954-XXIV-CONDUCT-OF-PRIMARY-ELECTIONS - Conduct of Primary Elections (168.574...168.580)
Section 168.574 - Primary Election; Board of Primary Election Inspectors, Membership. - Sec. 574. Each primary election shall be presided over by...
Section 168.575 - Primary Elections; Furnishing Ballots to Electors. - Sec. 575. After the polls are opened at a primary...
Section 168.576 - Marking Ballot; Voting for Person Not on Ballot; Effect of Voting More Than 1 Party Ticket; Section Subject to MCL 168.736a. - Sec. 576. (1) An elector, after having received a ballot...
Section 168.576a - Primary Elections; Electors, Number of Votes. - Sec. 576a. In all partisan and nonpartisan primary elections, the...
Section 168.577 - Primary Elections; Electors, Folding and Delivery of Ballots. - Sec. 577. The elector shall then fold the ballot so...
Section 168.578 - Primary Elections; Poll List, Comparison of Ballot Number. - Sec. 578. When a duly registered and qualified elector shall...
Section 168.579 - Primary Elections; Electors; Exposure of Ballot; Rejection; Applicability of Section Under MCL 168.736a. - Sec. 579. If an elector, after marking his or her...
Section 168.580 - Counting Ballots; Candidates Considered to Have Received Votes; Rejection of Ballot. - Sec. 580. In counting the ballots after the closing of...
116-1954-XXIV-CANVASSING-OF-PRIMARY-RETURNS - Canvassing of Primary Returns (168.581...168.583)
Section 168.581 - Primary Elections; Canvass of Returns and Declaration of Results. - Sec. 581. The returns of said primary election shall be...
Section 168.582 - Person Voted for on Party Ballot Whose Name Is Not Printed on Ballot and Who Has Not Filed Nominating Petition; Votes Required for Nomination. - Sec. 582. A person who is voted for on a...
Section 168.583 - Primary Election Day; Service of Civil Process on Electors Prohibited. - Sec. 583. During the day on which any primary election...
116-1954-XXIV-VOTING-MACHINES-AT-PRIMARIES - Voting Machines at Primaries (168.584...168.588)
Section 168.584 - Voting Machines Authorized in Primaries. - Sec. 584. At all state, county, city, village and township...
Section 168.585 - Primary Elections; Use of Voting Machines; Supplementary Ballots. - Sec. 585. Any voting machine which is by law authorized...
Section 168.586 - Provisions Applicable to Use of Voting Machines; Appearance of Names of Candidates; Determination of Feasibility. - Sec. 586. The provisions relative to the use of voting...
Section 168.587 - Primary Elections; Voting Machines, Straight Ticket and Excess Voting Prevented. - Sec. 587. Whenever a voting machine is used in a...
Section 168.588 - Primary Elections; Voting Machines, Number in Precinct. - Sec. 588. More than 1 voting machine may be used...