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Section 168.385 - Metropolitan District Election Coordinator; Duties. - Sec. 385. (1) Unless a particular power or duty of...
Section 168.385a - Metropolitan District Officer; Eligibility; Term. - Sec. 385a. (1) An individual is eligible for election as...
Section 168.386 - Metropolitan District Officer; Nominating Petition; Form; Signature of Elector; Examination and Investigation; Withdrawal. - Sec. 386. (1) For an individual's name to appear on...
Section 168.386a - Canvass of Votes by Board of Canvassers; Election; Statement of Returns and Certification; Votes Subject to Recount. - Sec. 386a. (1) The appropriate board of canvassers as prescribed...
Section 168.386b - Statement of Returns and Certification; Preservation and Filing by Metropolitan District Election Coordinator; Execution of Certificate of Election. - Sec. 386b. The metropolitan district election coordinator who receives the...
Section 168.387 - Notification of Member-Elect; Acceptance; Filing; Forwarding Copy. - Sec. 387. Within 5 business days after certification of an...
Section 168.387a - Oath; Immediate Vacancy; Events. - Sec. 387a. (1) Before entering upon the duties of his...
Section 168.388 - Metropolitan District Officer; Vacancy Filled by Appointment; Election; Notice. - Sec. 388. (1) If less than a majority of the...
Section 168.389 - Ballot Question. - Sec. 389. The legislative body of a metropolitan district may...
Section 168.389a - Actual Costs of Election; Payment; Verified Account; Disapproval; Failure to Agree on Actual Costs. - Sec. 389a. (1) A metropolitan district shall pay to each...
Section 168.390 - Recall. - Sec. 390. Each officer on the legislative body of a...