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Section 168.91 - United States Senator; Eligibility. - Sec. 91. A person shall not be a United States...
Section 168.92 - Candidates for United States Senator; Nomination at Primary. - Sec. 92. A general primary election of all political parties...
Section 168.93 - Candidate for United States Senator; Nominating Petition; Signatures; Form; Filing. - Sec. 93. In order for the name of a person...
Section 168.94 - Candidates; Withdrawal, Notice. - Sec. 94. After the filing of a nominating petition by...
Section 168.95 - Candidate for United States Senator; Death; Selection of Candidate to Fill Vacancy; Ballots. - Sec. 95. If a candidate of a political party for...
Section 168.96 - Candidate for United States Senator; Write-In. - Sec. 96. If for any reason there is no candidate...
Section 168.97 - Candidates; Nomination, Certification. - Sec. 97. The candidate of each political party for the...
Section 168.98 - Candidates; Withdrawal After Nomination. - Sec. 98. When a candidate of any political party has...
Section 168.99 - Candidates; Death, Withdrawal or Disqualification; New Candidate, Selection, Certification; Ballots. - Sec. 99. When the candidate of a political party, after...
Section 168.100 - United States Senator; Election. - Sec. 100. A United States senator shall be elected at...
Section 168.101 - United States Senator; Certificate of Determination by Board of State Canvassers. - Sec. 101. The board of state canvassers shall determine which...
Section 168.102 - United States Senator; Certificate of Election by Governor. - Sec. 102. It shall be the duty of the governor,...
Section 168.103 - United States Senator; Term of Office. - Sec. 103. The term of office of a United States...
Section 168.104 - United States Senator; Resignation, Notice. - Sec. 104. Any person duly elected to the office of...
Section 168.105 - United States Senator; Vacancy; Successor, Appointment by Governor, Tenure. - Sec. 105. Whenever a vacancy shall occur in the office...
Section 168.106 - United States Senator; Votes Cast at Primary or General Election Subject to Recount. - Sec. 106. The votes cast for a candidate for nomination...
Section 168.107 - United States Senator; Vacancy, Creation. - Sec. 107. The office of United States senator shall become...
Section 168.108 - United States Senator; Removal From Office. - Sec. 108. Any United States senator may be removed from...
Section 168.109 - United States Senator; Contested Election; Restraining Order of Supreme Court. - Sec. 109. Whenever the election of a United States senator...
Section 168.110 - Contested Election; Preservation of Ballots, Application for Restraining Order by Petition; Notice, Hearing; Temporary Restraining Order Pending Hearing. - Sec. 110. Application for such restraining order may be made...
Section 168.110a - Repealed. 1978, Act 7, Imd. Eff. Feb. 7, 1978. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to filing notice of...
Section 168.111 - Contested Election; Service of Restraining Order, Method. - Sec. 111. Service of any restraining order may be made...
Section 168.112 - Contested Election; Permanent Restraining Order, Delivery of Ballot Boxes to Custody of County Clerk. - Sec. 112. On being served with a copy of a...
Section 168.113 - Contested Election; Commissioners, Appointment, Packaging of Ballots. - Sec. 113. Upon issuing a permanent restraining order as herein...
Section 168.114 - Contested Election; Commissioners, Redeposit of Ballots With County Clerk, Statement. - Sec. 114. Such packages shall be sealed by said commissioners...
Section 168.115 - Contested Election; Removal of Ballots by Commissioners, Notice. - Sec. 115. The commissioners, as herein provided for, shall give...
Section 168.116 - Contested Election; Removal of Ballots, Representation of Candidate. - Sec. 116. It shall be the right of each candidate...
Section 168.117 - Contested Election; Commissioners, Compensation. - Sec. 117. The compensation of the commissioners herein provided for...
Section 168.118 - Contested Election; Violation of Restraining Order, Penalty. - Sec. 118. Any person who shall violate the terms of...
Section 168.119 - Contested Election; Application for Restraining Order to Circuit Court, Authority of Court. - Sec. 119. Instead of filing the petition for relief provided...
Section 168.120 - Contested Elections; Purpose of Act. - Sec. 120. It is the intention of this act to...
Section 168.121 - Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to recall of person...