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Section 168.51 - Office of Governor or Lieutenant Governor; Eligibility. - Sec. 51. A person is not eligible to the office...
Section 168.52 - Gubernatorial Candidates; Nomination at Primary. - Sec. 52. A general primary election of all political parties...
Section 168.53 - Office of Governor; Nominating Petitions; Signatures; Form; Filing. - Sec. 53. To obtain the printing of the name of...
Section 168.54 - Candidates for Nomination; Withdrawal, Notice. - Sec. 54. After the filing of a nominating petition by...
Section 168.55 - Candidate for Office of Governor or Lieutenant Governor; Write-In. - Sec. 55. If, for any reason, there is no candidate...
Section 168.56 - Candidate for Office of Governor; Death; Selection of Candidate to Fill Vacancy; Ballots. - Sec. 56. If a candidate of a political party for...
Section 168.57 - Gubernatorial Candidates; Nominees, Certification. - Sec. 57. The candidate of each political party for the...
Section 168.58 - Gubernatorial Candidates; Withdrawal After Nomination. - Sec. 58. When a candidate of any political party for...
Section 168.59 - Gubernatorial Candidates; Death, Withdrawal or Disqualification; New Candidate, Selection, Certification; Ballots. - Sec. 59. When the candidate of a political party, after...
Section 168.60 - Governor and Lieutenant Governor; Election. - Sec. 60. A governor and lieutenant governor shall be elected...
Section 168.61 - Governor and Lieutenant Governor; Certificate of Determination by Board of State Canvassers. - Sec. 61. The board of state canvassers shall determine which...
Section 168.62 - Governor and Lieutenant Governor; Certificate of Election. - Sec. 62. The secretary of state shall file in his...
Section 168.63 - Governor and Lieutenant Governor; Terms of Office. - Sec. 63. The terms of office of governor and lieutenant...
Section 168.64 - Governor and Lieutenant Governor; Oath of Office, Deposit. - Sec. 64. Every person elected to the office of governor...
Section 168.65 - Governor or Lieutenant Governor; Resignation, Notice. - Sec. 65. Any person duly elected to the office of...
Section 168.66 - Governor or Lieutenant Governor; Vacancy, Creation; Impeachment. - Sec. 66. The office of governor or lieutenant governor shall...
Section 168.67 - Offices of Governor and Lieutenant Governor; Vacancy; Death or Failure to Qualify of Governor-Elect or Lieutenant Governor-Elect; Devolution of Powers and Duties. - Sec. 67. If a vacancy occurs in the office of...
Section 168.68 - Governor or Lieutenant Governor; Recount of Vote. - Sec. 68. The votes cast for any candidate for the...
Section 168.69 - Governor or Lieutenant Governor; Recall. - Sec. 69. Any person elected to the office of governor...