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Section 168.31 - Secretary of State; Duties as to Elections; Rules. - Sec. 31. (1) The secretary of state shall do all...
Section 168.31a - Election Audit; Procedures. - Sec. 31a. (1) In order to ensure compliance with the...
Section 168.32 - Bureau of Elections; Director of Elections; Appointment; Powers and Duties; Statement of Purpose of Proposed Amendment or Question. - Sec. 32. (1) In the office of the secretary of...
Section 168.33 - Training Schools on Conducting Elections in Accordance With Election Laws; Conduct; Continuing Election Education Training Courses. - Sec. 33. (1) The director of elections shall conduct training...
Section 168.34 - Director of Elections; Restrictions. - Sec. 34. The director of elections shall perform no other...
Section 168.35 - Assistants to Director; Employment, Expenses. - Sec. 35. The secretary of state is authorized to employ...
Section 168.36 - Seal. - Sec. 36. The secretary of state may approve seals to...
Section 168.37 - Uniform Voting System; Advisory Committee; Selection; Notice of Selection; Schedule for Acquisition and Implementation; Repetition of Process. - Sec. 37. (1) The secretary of state shall select a...
Section 168.37a - Determination of Electronic Voting System by Clerk; Criteria. - Sec. 37a. The secretary of state shall allow a county...
Section 168.37b - Use of Electronic Voting System; Contract Between Governing Bodies of Governmental Units. - Sec. 37b. The governing body of a governmental unit in...
Section 168.38 - Poster Indicating Ballot Coaching Prohibited. - Sec. 38. (1) The secretary of state shall develop a...