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Section 2 - Fees of Clerks of District and Boston Municipal Court Departments in Civil Actions - Section 2. The fees of the clerks of the district...
Section 3 - Special Justices - Section 3. A special justice, when not holding court shall...
Section 3a - Child Support Collection Services; Fee - Section 3A. The district court department shall impose a fee...
Section 4 - Fees of Clerks of Supreme Judicial, County and Appeals Courts - Section 4. The fees of the clerks of the supreme...
Section 4a - Clerks of Superior Court Department - Section 4A. The fees of clerks of court of the...
Section 4b - Uniform Schedule of Fees - Section 4B. The court administrator of the trial court, shall,...
Section 4c - Surcharge on Filing Fees - Section 4C. Any party entering a complaint, petition or other...
Section 5 - Copies Provided by Clerks - Section 5. When clerks cause copies to be printed which...
Section 6 - Record of Judgment; Additional Fees - Section 6. When a judgment or decree is entered up,...
Section 7 - Manner of Collection - Section 7. Clerks of the courts shall collect all fees...
Section 8 - Sheriffs, Deputy Sheriffs and Constables; Enumeration of Fees - Section 8. The fees of sheriffs, deputy sheriffs and constables...
Section 8a - Annual Accounts of Deputy Sheriffs and Constables - Section 8A. Each deputy sheriff and constable shall annually on...
Section 9 - Process; Service; Return by Mail - Section 9. If the person who delivers or forwards a...
Section 10 - Conveyance; Necessity of Certificate - Section 10. If it is necessary in the service of...
Section 11 - Leaving Copy of Writ - Section 11. Where the officer is by law directed to...
Section 12 - Deputy Sheriff; Attendance Upon Meetings of County Commissioners - Section 12. A deputy sheriff shall be allowed five dollars...
Section 13 - Precepts for Elections; Subpoenas of General Court; Service - Section 13. Sheriffs and other officers shall be paid by...
Section 14 - Arrest on Mesne Process and Supplementary Proceedings - Section 14. The fees of sheriffs, deputy sheriffs and constables...
Section 15 - Copies of Process - Section 15. The fee for copies of any process of...
Section 16 - Service of Process Issued by Land Court - Section 16. In the service of any process issued by...
Section 17 - Execution of Ejectment; Service - Section 17. In the service of an execution of ejectment...
Section 18 - Officers; Duty to Specify Items of Fees - Section 18. An officer receiving fees for any official duty...
Section 19 - Endorsement of Fees; Certificate of Use of Conveyance; Penalty - Section 19. No fees for the service of any process...
Section 20 - Search for Person Named in Process - Section 20. An officer shall not be allowed any fees...
Section 21 - Criminal Cases; Allowance of Expenses - Section 21. In the service of precepts in criminal cases,...
Section 22 - Attendance Upon Certain Courts - Section 22. The fee for attending before a district court...
Section 23 - Examination of Sureties; Approval of Bonds - Section 23. The fees of magistrates for the examination of...
Section 24 - Bail Fees; Persons Authorized to Take Bail; Restrictions - Section 24. (a) The maximum fee to be charged by...
Section 25 - Compensation of Jurors - Section 25. The compensation of traverse jurors impanelled to try...
Section 26 - Inquests; Service of Process - Section 26. Officers who serve subpoenas or other processes in...
Section 27 - Juvenile Offenders; Officer as a Witness - Section 27. In cases against juvenile offenders, an officer who...
Section 29 - Witness Fees - Section 29. The fees for attending as a witness before...
Section 30 - Witness Held in Jail - Section 30. A witness who is detained in jail under...
Section 31 - Appraisers; Compensation - Section 31. The court shall determine the compensation of private...
Section 32 - Interpreters and Nonresident Witnesses - Section 32. District courts may allow reasonable compensation to interpreters...
Section 33 - Witnesses in Delinquency Cases - Section 33. All laws in relation to the payment of...
Section 34 - Town Clerks; Enumeration of Fees - Section 34. Unless otherwise established in a town by town...
Section 35 - Marriages - Section 35. The fee for lawfully solemnizing and certifying a...
Section 36 - Certification - Section 36. The fee for copies of any official papers...
Section 37 - Records or Papers; Examination - Section 37. Every person upon whose application an examination of...
Section 38 - Registers of Deeds' Enumeration of Fees - Section 38. Except as otherwise provided, the fees of the...
Section 39 - Land Court; Numeration of Fees - Section 39. The fees payable under chapter one hundred and...
Section 40 - Registers of Probate and Family Court; Enumeration of Fees - Section 40. The fees of the registers of the probate...
Section 40a - Child Support Collection Services; Fee - Section 40A. The probate and family court department shall impose...
Section 41 - Notaries Public; Enumeration of Fees - Section 41. The fees of notaries public shall be as...
Section 42 - Commissioners in Other States; Enumeration of Fees - Section 42. The fees of commissioners appointed under section four...
Section 43 - Construction - Section 43. The fees of public officers for any official...
Section 44 - Copies - Section 44. The department of public utilities or the department...
Section 44a - Certified Copies of Vital Records; Exemption - Section 44A. The fee for a certified copy of a...
Section 45 - Page Defined - Section 45. A page, when used as the measure of...
Section 46 - List of Fees; Manner of Posting - Section 46. Each of the officers before mentioned shall always...
Section 46a - Copies of Records Concerning Veterans; Furnishings Without Charge - Section 46A. No fee for a copy of any record...
Section 47 - Criminal Cases; Return of Expense Under Oath - Section 47. No fees shall be allowed upon the return...
Section 48 - Criminal Cases; Service of Several Processes on Single Defendant; Allowance of Fees - Section 48. If more than one criminal process is served...
Section 49 - Mittimus; Fees for Issuance or Service; Limitations - Section 49. No fee shall be allowed to a trial...
Section 50 - Salaried Officers; Limitation on Acceptance of Fees; Penalty - Section 50. No officer in attendance on any court, sheriff,...
Section 51 - Criminal Cases; Additional Fees and Expenses - Section 51. The fees and expenses of officers, other than...
Section 53 - Attendance of Police Officers on Vacation, Furlough or Day Off as Witnesses; Criminal or Juvenile Cases - Section 53. Any police officer on duty at night, on...
Section 53a - Police Officers as Witnesses Outside Place of Residence; Criminal, Juvenile or Superior Courts - Section 53A. Any police officer named in section fifty and...
Section 53b - Witness Fees of Uniformed Members of Department of State Police - Section 53B. Any uniformed member of the department of state...
Section 53c - Compensatory Time Off to Police Officers - Section 53C. Any police officer, including an officer of the...
Section 55 - Railroad Police - Section 55. Railroad police shall not be entitled to any...
Section 56 - Witness Fees of Public Officers; Disallowance - Section 56. Except as otherwise provided, an officer of the...
Section 57 - Public Officers as Witnesses; Allowance of Expenses - Section 57. If it appears on oath that a salaried...
Section 58 - Penalty - Section 58. Whoever receives a witness fee or allowance for...
Section 59 - Witness in Multiple Criminal Cases; Apportionment of Fees - Section 59. If witnesses are in attendance in two or...
Section 60 - Witnesses' Fees; Refusal in Certain Cases - Section 60. If, on the trial of a criminal case,...
Section 61 - Witness Certificates; Purchase of Orders, etc., by Officers Prohibited - Section 61. A sheriff, deputy sheriff or other officer who...
Section 62 - False Certificates of Witnesses; Penalty - Section 62. Whoever, with intent to defraud, signs or procures...
Section 63 - Delinquent Magistrate; Refusal of Fees - Section 63. If the administration of justice or the progress...
Section 64 - Complainant; Refusal of Fees - Section 64. If the court finds that a complaint in...