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Section 1 - General Provisions - Section 1. If it is necessary or useful (1) to...
Section 2 - State Reclamation and Mosquito Control Board - Section 2. One employee of the department of environmental protection...
Section 3 - Board; Investigations; Reports - Section 3. The board may investigate the question of utilizing...
Section 4 - Board; Power to Employ Engineers, etc.; Expenses - Section 4. In carrying out the provisions of this chapter,...
Section 4a - Proceedings Under Secs. 1 to 14c; Parties; Petition; Notice - Section 4A. The commonwealth, acting through one or more state...
Section 5 - Petition to the Board; Investigation; Appointment and Compensation of District Commissioners - Section 5. The proprietors of any area described in section...
Section 5a - Improvements; Undertaking Without Forming District; Commissioners; Powers; Mosquito Control - Section 5A. If the board determines that the proposed improvements...
Section 5b - Mosquito Breeding Areas; Designation as Public Nuisance; Control Programs - Section 5B. The board of health of a city or...
Section 6 - Reclamation District; Formation - Section 6. The district commissioners, in this and the ten...
Section 6a - Reclamation District; Liability Insurance - Section 6A. Any district established under this chapter may pay...
Section 7 - Surveys and Investigations; Expense of Improvements; Hearings; Recording of Improvements - Section 7. As soon as the district shall have been...
Section 8 - Expenses; Contribution by State - Section 8. Should the board be of the opinion that...
Section 9 - Meeting; Choosing Method of Financing; Bonds - Section 9. As soon as possible after the recording of...
Section 10 - Financing; Power of District to Adopt Alternative Methods - Section 10. The district may vote to adopt any of...
Section 11 - Assessments; Collections - Section 11. The clerk of the district shall certify to...
Section 12 - Commissioners; Powers and Duties - Section 12. If sections one to seven, inclusive, have been...
Section 13 - Erection of Temporary Dams; Aggrieved Parties; Notice; Appeal - Section 13. If the commissioners find it necessary or expedient...
Section 14 - Expenses; Submission to the Board; Approval; Payment - Section 14. The commissioners shall at least once a month...
Section 14a - Reclamation Districts; Further Improvements; Procedure - Section 14A. A reclamation district organized under this chapter may...
Section 14b - Additional Water Power or Supply; Prescriptive Rights; Necessity of Vote Before Development - Section 14B. No person obtaining an additional water power or...
Section 14c - Injury to Improvements; Penalty; Damages - Section 14C. Whoever obstructs or injures any ditch, tide gate,...
Section 14d - Personnel Decisions by Mosquito Control Projects and Mosquito Control Districts - Section 14D. Mosquito control projects and mosquito control districts shall...
Section 15 - General Provisions - Section 15. A town or person owning low land, ponds,...
Section 16 - Petition; Security - Section 16. A party desiring to make such improvements shall...
Section 17 - Notice - Section 17. The commissioners at their first meeting after the...
Section 18 - Laying Out; Taking; Damages - Section 18. If, after examination, inspection and a hearing, they...
Section 19 - Benefits; Duty of Commissioner to Assess - Section 19. The commissioners shall assess the amount awarded as...
Section 20 - Repairs - Section 20. If it is necessary to repair an improvement...
Section 21 - Petition to Mayor and Aldermen or Selectmen - Section 21. If the land mentioned in section fifteen lies...
Section 22 - Fees - Section 22. The mayor and aldermen or selectmen shall each...
Section 23 - Appeal - Section 23. A party aggrieved by the refusal of the...
Section 24 - Establishment; Proceedings - Section 24. With the approval of the state reclamation board,...